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Next time you feel like you have have to pee, you will fill you bladder even more…  I want you to to drink even more water… and hold it in… 

Feel how you really have to go…. Then start potty dancing…. 

Dance around… see you helpless you are… dance around like a little kid who isn’t potty trained…. You can start moaning... 

As you get more and more desperate… and then potty dance until you pee yourself… just dance until you can’t take it any more… and start peeing…

See how your potty dance turns into an accident… 

look down and see how you’re soaking your pants… remember this image… because you just wet your pants.

I hope everyone is staying warm and having lots of accidents. Mommy Want you to pee your pants and remember that you are a pants wetter. 


Dottie Dairymilk

Dottie can’t really do the dance (disabled) but Dottie moans and kinda hops a little in my seat and tries to get to the bathroom but didn’t make it, yelled some babble and peed my pants.