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Hello Hypno Permanence Fans! 

I have some tips on bowel incontinence in adults for those of you who sometimes fill the back of your pants, and want to keep doing it. 

Bowel incontinence in adults seems trickier than bladder incontinence. Often the causes of bowel incontinence are medical problems. But fear not! It IS possible to be bowel incontinent because bowel muscles are like any muscle: if you don't use it, it gets weaker. 

The potty training you went through as a child trained you to control these muscles. But holding in your bladder and bowels, you are continuously training them to contract and release at the right times. But this can change. 

Here are some tips. I took these from a medical resource on bowel retraining. It's aimed for people with IBS or similar medical problems to have more regular bowel movements if they have constipation. I thought if it helps someone have more bowel movements, surely it can help someone have bowel movements in their pants.  

I am adapting these as tips for you guys :) 

1. This guide recommends finding a regular time to poop everyday, like after breakfast with coffee. For bowel incontinence, you can try this as well. If you are just starting out and don't want to mess yourself in public, doing it at home can create a safe environment. Instead of training yourself to poop in a toilet, you can use this ritual to train yourself to go in your pants.

 For real bowel incontinence I recommend doing this 2-3 times a day. Not only to remind your bowel muscles to constantly let go, but to break the mental barrier of pooping in your pants/diaper. This mental barrier is strong in many people who find it hard to go potty anywhere besides the toilet. 

2. It says to sit on the toilet for a fixed amount of time - 15 minutes, but don't over strain the muscles. My advice is similar. Try to go in your pants or diaper and if it doesn't happen right away just wait. If you feel the urge but nothing is happening, just relax, listen to soothing music (or hypnosis) and get your mind distracted as you push the muscles. Try in different positions - like a squatting position. Try for 15 minutes. 

3. "If you do not have a bowel movement after two or three days, take a Fleet’s Enema." Taking laxatives occasionally can help you let go. I've also heard from a friend that going on a juice cleanse can cause you to poop your pants. 

4. The manual says this: "In most cases bowel movements are controlled with muscles under voluntary control – which means that you have to think about moving your bowels before you actually do." 

The goal of my incontinence hypnosis is to get you to the point where you mess yourself unconsciously. You don't even think about it, you just let go and mess. You don't even notice it's happening until the back of your pants are filling up. But in the beginning you have to do it consciously. 

Like any skill you learn using muscles, you have to train the muscle to do something new, and then you strop thinking about it and your body can autopilot.  

5. Notice what influences your urge to mess, and your success in messing. Notice what foods you ate, what time of day it was and where you were. Try and use these factors in the beginning to influence you to mess yourself more. Over time try messing yourself or at least pushing your bowel muscles in more challenging situations (like in your diaper in public). 

Does anyone have tips to add?  

Happy messing! 


Dottie Dairymilk

What works for me is when people close a me tell me a do it. That’s hard cuz Dottie live alone so it’s sort of a thing of have to pretend.


I have been using your Bowl Weakening Trance files from a few yeas ago on another site you had. I have listened hundreds of times, sometimes on repeat as I sleep. Sometimes just thinking about listening gets my bowels moving. So That is a Definite trigger for me. But it takes some time. And as another user said, getting over the cleanup issue helps alot....


That file is on my current store in case anyone is interested: https://hypnomommy.gumroad.com/l/Bowel-Weakening-hypnosis