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You’re going to wet yourself today… and you’re going to practice the feeling of having a shaky and spasming bladder…

Watch a TV show on TV or watch some youtube videos…  and every time there’s a commercial or ad, pee a little bit. I think youtube videos have ads appear more often than on TB. So, if you want to hurry up and pee faster, youtube with ads is a good idea :)

When the ad starts, just let yourself pee for a few seconds. Then stop the stream, but notice that you feel mentally different… you’re entering a different state of mind. You’re becoming less confident in your bladder. Your bladder feels shaky. You want to pee more.

Even when you’re watching TV, you feel my presence influencing you. You feel how somewhere inside, I am tweaking your bladder. I am squeezing it and making it less strong, and you feel less and less confident with each ad. Watch the second commercial or ad, and feel how you start peeing more.

When you get to the third ad, feel your ability to control your bladder go down… and start peeing… and see if your body can stop the stream. If it seems more challenging to stop the stream now, just don’t. Let it happen… keep peeing. Feel yourself wet your pants. Empty your bladder completely in your clothes. 

Enjoy the feeling, and admit what you’ve done. Admit to yourself that you’ve just wet your pants. You are a pants wetter.


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