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Since so many of you chose incontinence as your top interest for this tier, I would love to hear where everyone is. 

Are you only just curious about turning incontinent? Maybe testing the waters?  

Are you at the beginning of your incontinence journey? Are you just starting out getting used to un-training your bladder, and looking for ways to make wetting yourself more automatic? 

Are you already partially incontinent and have accidents in the day? Maybe you wet the bed? If you are at this stage you might find that your bladder gets weaker the more you have accidents, but gets stronger if you start to revert to using the regular potty/toilet again. 

Or are you already fully bladder and/or bowel incontinent? 

I would love to see! Vote in my poll and comment below! 

How many months/years have you all been on the incontinence journey, and what stage are you at? 




Always had sporadic wetting issues, and when I was alone I occasionally wet on purpose. Decided that if I'm going to have this issue I might as well enjoy it, so over the past year I've started wearing diapers 24/7. Now sometimes the wetting is intentional and sometimes it's an accident, but with encouragement I'm gradually transitioning to true incontinence. Thank you Mommy!


Made a major breakthrough recently with constant bladder spasms, dribbling and sudden wettings. Still need to focus a lot and would love to have it permanently happening without as much effort. But assume that will come with time. Love the feeling of spasms and dribbling! Thank you mommy! I've been off and on for 25 years but 24/7 for past 5 months.