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Have you ever had a dream where you thought you were awake, and you were running to get to the bathroom on time.. and you finally get to the toilet...and then, just as you start to pee.. you wake up and realize it was all a dream? 

I have an interesting idea.. creating a state that feels like a dream, tricking your mind into dreaming.. imagining yourself sitting down on a toilet.. being so deep in trance that you truly believe it's happening... and then... suddenly, you wake up! 

You start to open your eyes, you clear your mind, and now you realize you're not on a toilet! You're sitting on a chair, in all your normal clothes, and you've just emptied your bladder. 

You can feel the sudden shame and surprise of realizing that you went potty in the wrong place. You didn't make it to the bathroom. You went potty in your pants. 

Have you ever had a dream like this in your sleep? Would you like to have an experience like this while in trance? 



As long as the experience is in a diaper I think this would be great fun!


I havent had a dream like that but I love that ideaaaa