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This week you will wet yourself. 

You'll pick a time when your bladder is only about half full. But don't worry, I'm sure that even with a half full bladder, your bladder will give in and you'll end up going in your pants. 

You will turn on a song... any song of your choice. For an age regression experience, you should turn on a baby song. You'll tell yourself that this is the song you want to be playing when you feel yourself emptying your b ladder. 

You can turn it on on youtube, on your computer, any way really...  as long as you can listen to it a few times. You will listen to the song three times. 

The first time you listen, as you get to the end of the song, the last 5 seconds, you will wet yourself a little and then stop. 

The second time, you will wet a little more and stop. This starting and stopping will probably make you want pee.. and you might even find it hard to stop the pee, but see if you can.  And if your bladder is too weak and you end up flooding your pants, that's ok ;) 

The third time, as you get to the end you will know that this time... you won't stop peeing. As you hear the end approaching... pay attention to your bladder. Feel how much it wants to empty.. and how hard it is to hold it in. Already your pants are wet, you feel it, you see it, and it reminds you that you're a pants wetter... the evidence is already in your lap... so as you get to the end of the song... you will start peeing and you will keep peeing until you've completely wet yourself. 

This should help train you to associate leaking with your bladder giving in. You can do this multiple times, if you want. And of course, afterwards you can report to Mommy :) 



Obviously I faithfully followed commands, but I wanted to give feedback: I really like getting a command a few times a month to do something like this. It is very fun!