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What kind of setting is the best experience for a wetting accident? If you can imagine a perfect day when you can wet yourself (or you bed, clothes, diapers, etc)  where would it be? Inside your own home might be the most comfortable places, where you can fully relax and be yourself. 

Wetting in a new location, like going to a hotel or guesthouse in another city can also be fun. Maybe being in a new place can let you fully relax and let go of other things on your mind. 

Outside could also be exciting! Walking around a public park, camping in the woods, or being at a beach somewhere, enjoying the outdoors and letting go of your bladder. If you are by a river, the water sounds may also stimulate another stream to start :) Nature is already soothing for a lot of people. Why not combine it with a loss of bladder control? 

The other setting that comes to mind is public places, like wetting your diaper at a mall, museum or concert. I know this idea makes some people nervous, while other people are thrilled at the idea of secretly wetting their diaper in a public place. It can bring out something secret and forbidden, or just a little moment to bring you in to little space. 

I like the idea of getting someone to wet themselves on a rollercoaster or at an amusement park. In fact, I included this idea in my first covert hypnosis wetting file if you like that idea. (By the way, a covert messing file will be on my Hypno Store soon. I have been working on new content. I know it's been a little slow due to general life business, but new content is coming! ) 

What do you think? Where do you like to wet yourself most? Where do you have the best experiences? 



I once went to the movies (back before this terrible pandemic) all padded up and had a lot of fun wetting my diaper in the dark. It was not that crowded but there were still some folks inside the theater 😊🤭


I just wanted to add that while the file you linked is a great file the one with the roller coaster bit in it is actually the Covert Trance Go Blank and Wet Yourself in case anyone was interested in that file.




Similar to an amusement park, I’ve always liked the idea of wetting in a haunted house.


In front of friends and family