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Lately I have experimenting a bit with adding music, sound effects and binaural beats. I'm curious about how you all feel about the addition of music and sound effects. 

Music can help relax and create a calming atmosphere, or a dark and creepy atmosphere if it's a dark ABDL recording. I am still on the look out for the right kind of dark ABDL music. I don't want it to be too creepy or sound too much like a horror movie! 

Some sound effects like running water or the sound of a puddle forming can be useful since they might just influence your bladder as you are listening! Even if you are only fantasizing about wetting yourself, hearing the sound of the puddle can make it feel all the more real. This is why I included the puddle sounds in the Wetting Your Pants at School hypnosis fantasy! 

Binaural beats can get your mind into a hypnotic state more easily and also add to the atmosphere of the recording, helping you block out the world around you and focus only on my voice and my words. 

Some other sounds and music could be the crinkling of diapers, the sound of a rattle or squeaky toy, a lullaby playing in the background. 

With all sound effects and music, some people might really like it while others think it's distracting. What do you think? Should I include more sound effects and music? What sound effects would you like to hear? 



I'm really into binaural beats as they can get the mind messed up and confused. Especially when they are constantly switching from one ear to the other. That's why I like Anu Morrigan's hypnosis, it can confuse the mind very much and achieve a good trance. But I also love it when a nursery rhyme is playing quietly in the background, it gives me a feeling of security and makes me very, very small quickly. But what bothered me were the background noises during the first "visit to the doctor" hypnosis. I think that wasn’t wanted but unfortunately they are very annoying. Otherwise I am thrilled that you always want to try something new and I wish you every success with it. I like to be your test object.😘


I like all the sounds. I especially like baby talk, even though I know that is not what you are talking about. Rattles, russles, giggles. Lullaby or toddler tunes are great for scenario

Cerulean Syn

Honestly the rhythmic nuances are what get me in the baby zone


I think it’s a good idea to experiment with. Maybe subtle laughing or the ambience of group conversation could work.

Michael C

I enjoy sounds effects, and the water sound in the school nurse audio really added to the immersion. I would love to hear the crinkle sound of the baby wipe packet, or the diaper fastening tapes being undone. But I don't particularly enjoy binaural beats. I find them distracting. I think they sound a little corny and they make me aware of the hypnotic process. Your audios Mommy, to me, are more like an eyes-closed guided imaginary role-play rather than hypnosis. I feel bewitched by, connected to, and cared for by my fantasy Mommy. I don't necessarily feel like I am being hypnotised and don't feel I need the wakers at the end of each audio. I am being safely guided and submitting into a little space and a diaper fantasy by a caring Mommy that I am desperate for. Perhaps you have two types of listener Mommy xx


I love music in the background. Lullabies or ambient mood music really add to the experience. Between the two versions of the recent napping with Mommy file, either with or without music that you made, the version with the music really enhances being able to reach an immersive trance for me. For the music version I start listening and then later I realize the file is over but I “missed” part of it in the middle. Without music that doesn’t happen as easily. Sounds that add to elements of the story like the others suggested - diaper tapes, wipes opening or maybe bath water sounds for baths would be really nice too and great additions.


Binaural beats and Brainwave entrainment can help get you into trance more quickly but for some can be annoying "buzz". Personally I LOVE lullaby music, especially one my friend created for Mindmaster files. It gets me in baby mood and in trance almost immediately.


Yes my goal is to minimize background noises and bring in more nice background music and sound effects


Laughing sounds can certainly add to feelings of playfulness or embarrassment


Yes some people like binaural beats and others don’t want to hear them, everyone has their own response to the experience. It’s all part of the fun of exploration


I'm not a real fan of binaural beats per se. I do like brainwave entrainment as part of the background. A little program like bwgen can create good entrainment track taking baby from alert alpha brainwaves to theta pretty easily. Binaural beats can make me feel dizzy or nauseous sometimes.


I really like binaural beats when they are used in a subtle way - like when they start low at the beginning of an induction, then increase in intensity through out the file.


Me listening to mommy's audios: "ok, it's time to get back to a normal state...". Me, "wrong. Starts next audio"


Does that count as bratty, telling mommy she's wrong and staying little longer? Lol


that sounds great!