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Hello Hypno-Fans! 

As I write this, it's raining outside. It's actually pouring buckets.  

Have you ever noticed that the sound of a river or running water can make you want to pee? If you are trying to hold your bladder when you really have to pee, and I just start pouring some water on the ground might make you squirm more. Hearing the puddle forming as the water hits the ground might  just trigger you to start releasing your own puddle onto the ground! 

That's what I am secretly working on now. I've recorded a hypnosis fantasy where you imagine that you are in school... with a full bladder... and you really have to pee! You see where this is going! A wetting accident at school was a very popular request in the youtube comments and from patrons so I've decided to finally craft a little school accident fantasy. 

As Patrons you get to be part of the creative project and let me know which of these sound effects you think is best! 

You can also download  these mp3 files. Feel free to listen to these puddle sounds when you have a really full bladder... just to see what will happen :) 

Puddle Sound Effect #1 

Puddle Sound Effect #2 

 Puddle Sound Effect #3  

Vote below to help me decide which one will go up on my youtube channel!   


Kami Yamabushi

#1 for me. #2 was similar but somehow just didn't do it for me. #3 was just way too insistent/obvious.


I put all three of them into a list to listen too...its very soothing on loop


I liked all three, I think. I accidentally voted for 1. I think I'd need a 1 minute version of each to really have a decent idea. Does Google drive let one loop, or do I have to move it to play app for that? Ya know, a decade ago I bought my PCs by part and put them together. 2 decades ago I did automotive repair work for myself. On modern junk I don't know wtf I'm doing. ;) I buy refurbished dells, pay for oil changes, and can't sort out what in god's name Android is doing half the time.


Mommy I downloaded all 3 and made a two minute loop of each file. Didn't matter which one I listened to I peepeed with each one. I think I like Number 1 the bestest. Mommy says I'm worse than a toddler. Every time she runs the tap or it's raining I soak my diapers almost immediately. She really doesn't like rainy days 'cause I need changing constantly. :-)


Although I didn't listen to these with a full bladder, or being padded, I felt my muscles relaxing during option 2 the most. During a more recent test, I finally voted for number 2 when I accidentally wet a little bit in my big girl panties, then to prove I need diapers, I fully finished the job listening to all 3 looped on a shuffle


Haha awww. You have to be diapered for sure if you ever have a picnic by a river :)