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Hello Hypno Fans!

I have sent out the links to this month's Mp3 recordings in a message. If you did not get a message or if you have any problem accessing the download link please let me know! 

This month's mp3 files are a little longer and have more editing that usual, so I would love feedback on them :) 



Yay, I’m so excited by both of these! I’ve never had the courage to have an accident outside the home, but for this session I’ll try it 😀


I can't wait for nap time!


Music is to loud. But nice relaxing music but to over powering for the trance to work. Sorry mommy🙄🙄


Dear Mommy V., the music is actually quite nice but unfortunately it is too loud compared to your voice. As a result, you are difficult to understand and the hypnosis is unusable. Maybe you can revise the vote again and publish the file again? The file without music is great. I can hardly remember the content because I became too small. I had a nice nap and also had an accident in the meantime.😉


I'm not in a place where I can do anything public. I'm going to face the window until I can't hold it, then look at myself in the mirror. I'll be visible from the street, mostly. HM, do you want more pics? (You said you liked them, but if that's just part of the game I won't harass you with them ;) )


Ich habe es mir zuhause gestern auf dem Sofa gemütlich angehört, weil ich ZU neugierig war und aufgeregt was Mommy da schönes für uns gemacht hat :-) Ich habe keine Windel angezogen, da ich das zuhause nicht kann und trotzdem habe ich die MP3 genossen. Die Stimme war so wohltuend und hat mich wie "in Watte" gepackt und ich habe mich unendlich geborgen gefühlt. Am liebsten wäre ich stundenlang so gelegen, aber ich konnte das Risiko eines nassen Sofas nicht eingehen ;-) Vielen lieben Dank für diese wundervolle Erfahrung und wer weiß wie oftt ich noch dann so trocken liegen bleibe *zwinker Greetings your weak Carsten


Where were they sent? I don't think I got them 🤔