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There's something so nice and diverse about the role of a Mommy. A Mommy can really give you the whole range of experiences. 

A Mommy can be an authority figure. One who tells you what to do, who sets the rules, who is in charge. Even a soft, caring Mommy is an authority figure who makes the rules, and encourages you to follow them. Mommy knows what best for you and you know it. A firmer mommy can be a disciplinarian - one who puts you in your place and punishes you when you've done something wrong. If you're getting punished you know you've done something to earn it. But all the while, you know that Mommy still cares for you and is looking over you like a a Mama Bear. 

A Mommy can be an angel, a loving and guiding voice who looks over you. She reassures you that it's ok to wet yourself and have accidents, and that it's ok if you need to wear diapers. When you feel unsure or uncertain she's there to lift you up and let you know that it's ok to be a little one. 

A Mommy can be a guide and a teacher. When you're not sure how to read your goal (maybe your goal is bladder incontinence) a Mommy will teach you how to reach it. She'll show you and guide you, and you will follow her. The nice thing about following a Mommy's guidance is that you know she will lead you to where you want to go.  

All of these components are part of being a Mommy. The firmness, the softness, the authority. Together all these things sink into your mind and make it easier for you to enter the mental space you want to enter. 

Which of these aspects do you like most? Do you like a strict, disciplinarian Mommy, or a soft Angel Mommy? 



I personally like the soft, Angel Mommy. But I also enjoy a little mischievousness and sneakiness from Mommy...who can guide us little ones to places they didn't even know they wanted--and needed--to be :)


I imagine a nice mommy who asserts herself by keeping me embarrassed while taking away my independence.


i would say a Mommy Angel Teacher/Guide. A Mom who is firm in Her intentions but softer in Her teachings and or punishments.


I'm more about a soft Angel Mommy. Didn't have much of one as I grew up, so I find that fantastic to be able to role play and reclaim that through age play as adult :)


I would agree, a soft angel mommy is my preference. A mommy who is compassionate, understanding, and confident that she knows what’s best. And of course that means diapers!


Yeah I never had a real mother or anythink so don't know if I should try to pursue something like that in my personal life maybe not sure