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Uh-oh... someone's diaper is wet and soggy. Maybe it's time for a diaper change! 

I hope you're all finding time to relax. I made a diaper change recording since I few people have requested this :) 

It's on my youtube as a freebie. Your regular 1-2 hypnosis recordings will arrive at the beginning of April after March's payments are processed. 


Diaper Change - ABDL Hypnosis

Enjoy a soothing age regression experience with a diaper change with Hypno-Mommy! For more ABDL hypnosis recordings like this every month, join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hypnomommy Do download more of my ABDL Hypnosis files you can visit my store: https://iwantclips.com/store/730497/Dominavictoria My store has more hypnosis files with permanent effects, like permanent loss of bladder control and diaper acceptance. My most recent file "Quarantined in Diapers" can also encourage you to try a diapered lifestyle for as long as you are in quarantine.



I want be in diapers hypnomommy


Me to want to wet with out knowing when I did


just was about to start this, and then found Patreon!