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Hey guys! The new people's choice poll is here! Based on some of your comments, I decided to include a few of my old series for their potential continuation.
I also wanted to let you know what I've been working on so far this month.
So, I've been moving forward with the design of the HEA book pages and already pouring some of the actual content in there. I will show some preview of how that is going along the month. However, the time invested there won't be precisely reflected in this month's rewards. I think I might get "some" of the exclusive content  done before the end of the term to share with you tough. Remember that any new content in the book will be available to everyone, and the book itself in digital format once finished for those who decide to get it.
On a different subject, while thinking about the upcoming pic of Tara from Scream, I came up with a different way to approach the theme that I think can be quite fun. So, I have been moving forward with it. It involves more than a single pic, but I don't want to spoil it by saying too much.
Overall, I believe I can make it with at least 3 pics this month, just can't show you much in terms of previews quite yet.
Hang in there though, I believe you'll love them!  ;)
Thank you all and happy voting! I'm interested to see what comes out on top here...



Oh sorry my bad, i miss read.


I would love to see some buffy and some other characters from the tv show it would be amazing to see a whole series on it