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Both sides are really fucked up...
Hey guys! Your friendly neighbor Ninjartist here. I hope you are having a great week! :D
Here is the pic of the winner theme of this month's poll! To be fair, it's more like two pics. It will be delivered in these two alternatives and also each side separately with an alternative full nude version of Robin as well.
So I will now resume with Sands of Damnation's story to get this update ready for the 5th. Don't miss it!  And  don't miss February's poll, coming up with new themes for you to vote! ;)




What time today are the rewards?


I'm still working on some of the images and I have to review the text of SOD, so I'm guessing I'll be sending them rather late today. Perhaps around 5-6pm EST. It's an estimation though, I'll keep you posted.


Nancy looks so beautiful!