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With a New Year comes new ideas and improvements. I'm just going to get right into it.

Major Animation Announcement: If you somehow missed the teaser trailer, Interdimensional Incompetence 2 is coming in 2023. It was my first big animation, and it's the first thing that really put me on the map. And now, I'm making a sequel. It's very exciting and nostalgic for me. It will have been nearly 8 years since the first came out in 2015. Some early preview images and a little BTS write-up have been posted for the Star Patron Tier. 

Tier Changes:

  • Magnifying Glass Tier: I've recently started making Animated GIFs. The poll I posted on GIFs "How many would equal a mini-animation?"ended with the following results:

On months without Mini-Animations, the real sweet spot to aim for seems to be between 3 and 4 GIFs in a month. On the other hand, 35% said they didn't want GIFs. So what I want to make clear is what *won't* happen - months of nothing but GIFs. Mini-animations will continue. But now, a month without an animation won't be empty for this tier.

  • Microscope Tier:  Going to try out 2 Live Action clips each month, or 1 "bigger" clip. One way I'll be able to do this is by paying for extra filming time in order to add a POV or practical clip to each session. My clips tend to be on the shorter side, it's feedback I've heard more than once, and this will address that without resorting to padding out my clips. On the other hand, I'm looking for more ways to keep good ideas going without feeling like they were cut too short... so I will probably be attempting some longer clips as well. Either way, Live Action stuff is getting a boost in 2023.

  • Star Patron Tier: I am currently doing some experiments here, and my hope is to simply do more interesting stuff with this tier. This month, I did a behind-the-scenes on the XMAS mini-animation, and just yesterday, I released my first Photo Series. Going forward, I have more ideas for things to try out, such as more behind-the-scenes on the Live Action side of things, maybe editing or animation tutorials, and possibly new interviews with the models. Editing up and adding FX to deleted scenes is something that's been popular for this tier, and I want to continue doing that as well. (I will likely be asking for feedback and ideas for this tier very soon!)

General 2023 News:

First, here are the recent polling results showing what you guys want me to focus on in 2023:

Now, I'm going to respond to these directly, in order from lowest number of votes to highest.

  • Hire a Writer - Still would love to work with a writer on a collaborative effort or something, but due to it only getting 1 vote, it's not something I plan to invest much of anything in for 2023.
  • Camera Upgrades - This ranked really low, so I plan to stick with the current camera setup for at least another 6 months, and see where we're at.
  • Hire an Editor - This one is something I'd pretty much already decided I needed to do based on previous feedback. I'm still going to do it, but taking my time to understand the business side and taxes of it all. I hope to have an editor by summer.
  • Green Screen FX Clips - Already have one coming, but not currently planning on making it my standard style of FX yet. My first one should be done in early 2023. Beyond that, I will be doing more with green screens later in the year.
  • Hire New Models - This got 19 votes, so it's something I'm already working on. Did a shoot with a new model. Got 2 clips filmed with her, and hope to do more. Looking for at least 1 more new model in the first half of 2023.
  • Filming Locations and Scenarios - This has definitely been a huge struggle for me, but seeing this get 25 votes really pushed me toward finding new filming locations. I may even attempt filming in more public locations, such as outdoors, when the weather permits. I don't have anything specific to announce, but it's been on my mind constantly since I saw the poll results. So we will see new filming locations in 2023, which will naturally allow for a lot of new scenarios, and things I can't currently film.
  • Animation Assets - This one makes me happy because I love buying new stuff for my animations. In fact, I've already started buying new stuff. It goes without saying that I'm going to put a lot into this area after it got the highest number of votes.

Misc 2023 News:

Okay, so a random piece of news:

  • Male/Futa/Transformation/Misc Size Content - I previously talked some about how I'd have something to do with a "Second page, or sister-site" of sorts. Then some issues came up, and I announced that I wouldn't have much to do with it after all. Well, I can now announce that it's going forward in 2023, under my ownership. That means that I will be able to sort of have the final say in how things are run. It also means I can put all my animation assets into it without worry. 

Some details:

-This will be an animation-focused project. 

-It will be smaller in scope than what I'm doing here.

-Still trying to come up with a name. 

-Will be secondary. If it interferes with this Patreon in any way, then it will be paused, and left that way until everything is settled here.

-I will not be the sole animator there, but... I have very little idea how many or how few people might contribute to this project.

-I'll try to keep updates about this to a minimum here, but I will let everyone know when it launches!

Okay, I've posted enough for now. Happy New Year everyone!



Sounds like 2023 is going to be an exciting year!