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A couple things happened. I started this month at the lowest subscriber level of this year. Unfortunately, a few of the things I spent time working on recently blew up in my face... And then there are the recent poll results.

1) Cloud Archive - Had a nice run. Of course, the main reason creators don't use these is because there is usually a way to exploit them, and that's exactly what has happened. Piracy does hurt small businesses, and it has hurt me. For now, the cloud archive is offline, and probably not worth coming back.

2) Discord - Has barely been used... it's likely to be removed by the beginning of 2023.

With neither of these features having the positive effect I'd hoped for, the silver lining is that I can move on and focus my time on making more content. The recent poll is so far at 85% wanting more content per month. So that's the direction I'm going in.

Thanks everyone! Better news upcoming!


Edward Love

I'm sorry you got exploited. It's a Shame people can't have anything


Thanks, and yeah, it's a shame, but hopefully I can find some better solutions later on. I'm more upset with Patreon, as they were supposed to have their own version of this built-in by "this year" ... Well, it's November. But anyway, content has to be my focus until I'm above water again. Hopefully there will be brighter news on that front.