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Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well.

This post isn't for the sake of whining, but to highlight why things need to change for this Patreon page.

-I try to focus on quality first, and edits take a really long time. 

-I poll to see if everyone would rather have mini animations or wait for bigger ones. 90%+ say "Wait".

I try to give free months until a "good month" is delivered. 


I still have more and more cancellations with the reason "Subsin13 was not as active as I expected." 

And... The graph above speaks for itself.

But whatever the reason, I seem to be headed back to a career in fast food by 2023. Obviously, I don't want that, and so unfortunately, something has to give. But, there are options that aren't bleak. I just have to hope that it's something that's agreeable to you guys.

So nothing final just now, but here are some of the alternatives I'm considering. Let me know what you think.

And if I haven't said it enough, thanks to all you true fans who are reading this and who keep me inspired ❤️



Hey Subsin! I originally subbed to you because of your amazing animations! They were a different taste to what most animators would animate. Things like the sense of scale, and the direction you pointing them in which is that horror like feeling to them. And I loved it! I loved your stuff then, I still love your stuff now. You inspired me to make a little bit of things of my own, and I can understand where you come from when life hits. Just know that whatever you decide to do, I'm gonna support you. Your work continues to amaze me, and despite the slow working, I really appreciate the amount of effort you put into editing things. Try not to hold yourself to such high of a standard if things don't look "perfect". Do as much as you can, don't be so harsh on your work. I love your work and will always support ya. ❤️ much love

Chris Jones

Love your live action and would love to see more of those but on a grander scale! So I'd say focus on the big ones. Been waiting to see full length unaware vids from you!


Thank you, it's very much appreciated! I think it's only after the fact when I realize I've spent way too much time on the wrong thing. So I really need to be more aware of when it's unnecessary.


Thanks! I've kind of realized that I tend to film way too much in the way of FX scenes, without allowing for POV or story, and it causes clips to be way too short, even when there is a lot of FX. I also think switching to green screen might be a way to massively speed up editing FX scenes... And then clips could be longer.

Farhad Elchinson

I wish you good luck bro, you have a good animations

T Taylor

i think getting someone to help out is the best way to go. divide and conquer and to get rid of all the weight and pressure i can imagine is on your shoulders every time you go to edit. but i will say this, it’s good to have a back up plan.

Hellion Prime

While your animation is what I first knew you for, I love your FX too. I know I'm fine waiting longer if the clip is longer and better. Keep up the great work.


Hey I agree with this. I originally came here for your animations as you put things at a scale no one else has done before, and that is why I am still subbed. Hope to see more soon!


Originally I found you on accident. For a multitude of reasons, many of the individuals who were responsible for great work within the past 10 years have either retired or faded into obscurity, with not many people to take their place. I like your style because it possess a certain aspect that is simply missing from many of the newer media that is found today. I feel with more experience (and a higher budget) you have much potential to offer this community, which is originally why I pleaded. If you have the means I would suggest to hire an editor which could assist you. If this isn't feasible (lack of funds) perhaps have some projects without FX and save FX for more ambitious projects. Maybe have some of those "lesser" projects posted up for free so people could get a feel for your work. I only found you initially because you posted a preview of Movie Night. All in all you're doing great and I wish you the very best. No one should have to work in service.... -.-


Thanks, that was heartening to read. I think the poll results (so far) are telling me the obvious first choice. I am going to start looking for a way to share my workload a little... Just gonna be some trial and error I think.


True, I guess it's a little scary to give up any amount of control over quality or style. I think it's the best option.. just have to find the right person.


As someone who's been following you since your posts on Giantesscity, I would seriously hate to see you go. Your work, animation or FX, are just so well done and so much more creative than your average giantess content maker. It would be super sad to lose that.


Thanks for the compliment! I don't plan on giving up just yet. I'm optimistic that I can get things turned around in these next 5 months... Your support very much helps, and I thank you for it!


Same here your animations are up there with some of the best. Frankly knowing Live action is new for you and your doing what looks like expert pro stuff. I'm always happy to support you when I can. and I will always be a fan of your talent and kindness.


That means a lot to me, and although things do need to change, I hope my work will continue to improve in the long run.


I think the issue is that some people are too money tight to stay subscribed so why not have an individual location for people to buy a video or animation and the Patreon can be for those who have more expendable income


Thanks for the feedback! I plan on making a clip store when I have some free time.