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Hi all, I wanted to do a formal post for my plans in April and where my head is at, in hopes of clearing some things up.

Animations - none in April. My next "major" animation is underway, and I'm ready to start chipping away at it. After 3 short animations this year so far, I think it's a good time to shift focus. Now, that doesn't mean I won't take a break in another month or so in order to make another short animation, but it won't be in April. So take this as a heads up for the Magnifying Glass tier!

Live Action - By April, I will be fully into editing several FX clips. This month, I got some old projects out of the way with Mitzi's FX Reel. They had lots of problems, and I was rarely making progress on them, so I cut my losses, edited up the good parts and moved on. Now I'm able to work on what will just be better clips all around. I have drastically ramped up filming (about 5x or more in budget) and really taking my time to get things right so that FX editing isn't a nightmare. Some of these will still take a long time to edit, so I'm also ramping up filming of practical clips and simple FX stuff as well. I wanted some of this done sooner, but it's finally coming together and I'm relieved as much as excited. 

Other - I should also mention, I will have Star Patron bonus stuff and at least one FX edit from Instagram coming in April. Some upcoming votes will likely be focused around the upcoming "major" animation.

For now, my first task is doing some preliminary editing, so I can get a good feel of a few edits and announce what live action stuff I'll be releasing in the coming weeks...  and that will probably be the next update you hear from me. Also, remember to watch out for Lens previews!

Thank you all for being here, for your support, feedback, and encouragement!



Do we gonna have something more about Kate? Idk, something like, what happened to earth or a pov of the earth after being swallowed?