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  • Shrunk in the Woods - 1080p.mp4
  • Shrunk in the Woods - 4k.mp4



Third week of February, third upload. So far, so good?

In this animation I'm using a higher-fidelity hair simulation, as well as some other techniques to make for a better image. I also thought some of this would look more interesting at a very high FPS, hence the extreme slo-mo. 

Anyway, what do you think? Let me know in the comments below, and leave a "like" if you enjoy the animation!



Fabien Berton

I really appreciated it but will it have another point of view than in POV ?

Fabien Berton

If this could be the same as the girl who unknowingly gets run over by the girl with the green shoe polish and eats her boyfriend, that would be so awesome


I liked it! The zoom-out effect and camera movement here made the shrinking effect feel different than Laundromat or SNE1 with the POV shrinking; in the latter it felt like the world was stretching and elongating and personally prefer those.

Lex Mcgrew

Wow Subsin, This was amazing: -The overall quality was crystal clear -Loved how the story and Sound/music really draws you in -And this model was both incredibly cute and evil Stellar work as always, can't wait to see you use this giantess some more ;)

Fabien Berton

the hair effect was the hardest thing to do or not?


It took some time, but wasn't too bad. It's mostly just experimenting to see if it makes the animation look better or not.


This was great. This is what I think of when I think of subsin. A little dark, nightmare touch to it.


Love that her hair realistically moves downward as she looks down; great use of detail there!