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Everyone's favorite: a bunch of text!

  • Everyone: Sorry for the time since my last content update. It's why I paused billing for this month, but it still isn't fun. On the bright side, it's time for things to pick up again. This month's short animation will be releasing tonight. Lens previews are up now.
  • Live Action: New clip with Mitzi coming soon. Unaware, barefoot, practical FX (figurines)
  • Star Patron Update: Initially, I wanted to attempt multiple types of content for the Star Patron Tier.  Most of them have flopped. So now the tier is being narrowed down and focused more on content that is wanted, such as votes, alternate endings, unused camera angles, possible director's cuts, and behind-the-scenes. In other words, cutting down on things like extra previews, Lens, early comic pages, etc. After this month, Lens previews will either be for all patrons or just done away with. Let me know if you like to see them.
  • Community Collabs: I have started doing some collaborative clips through social media. I have helped a couple artists with FX, as well as worked on some edits for others. For now, these have been quick projects, and I've mostly left it with those artists to post and announce whatever and whenever they want to. Hoping to continue with this and work up to some new FX clips of my own...

That's all for now. Thanks for your patience, everyone.


Mario Alvarez

I like lenses as teasers, instead of making a whole post about 1-4 screens shots, it does help keep post down so if someone wants to scroll back to find something it'll be easier


That's a really good point. That's a good reason to just switch Lens to all tiers.