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  • Vignette 8 - Stomped.mp4



Slow Motion - Sneaker Crush - Two micro people FX - POV - Serana

My latest Vignette. Mixing some slow motion with FX.


For this vignette, it was kind of tricky going for such a small scale. Clearer footage would have helped a lot, but I found that I couldn't make them much smaller or blend them with the background as well as I'd have liked. Mainly because they started to become less and less visible. As for animation - I rendered the tiny people at the wrong speed, and progressed too far before realizing. So they are moving even slower than they should be.

At the time, I had also captured some good POV angles with slo-mo, which are present.

Anyway, thoughts and feedback are welcome!



Mario Alvarez

Serana is so good at being a giantess

T Taylor

you’re right, clearer footage would’ve have made this better but i still think you did a good job with what you had. maybe i would’ve made the tinies a tad bigger or at least had a closer shot to Serana’s shoes but i get this was pre recorded footage as she doesn’t have her blue hair. but all in this was solid, up there on my personal favorites.

T Taylor

also you’re really good with sound very immersive


Yep, it's older footage... and I probably should've experimented with making the tinies bigger. And thank you!


Thanks, I appreciate it! Sound editing is like 60% of the editing process in every clip for me, so I'm glad to hear that it's time well spent!


I wish this was barefoot soooo bad 😢


Sorry to disappoint. I really wanted one for the sneaker fans this time. I will surely have more barefoot stuff in the future, though.


I fucking love your stuff