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Comics will be returning in the coming months. New stuff is in active production. Paradigm Shifters Ch. 3 will be the first. So, from this point forward, I will be working on comics little by little, but no plans to start releasing them until at least November. I was planning to have something releasing a little sooner, but... I want to use most of my time to focus on new Live Action stuff, and of course, to make S2E4 of Shrinking Nightmare the best it can be.

Plans for comics might or might not include bringing back the Reading Glasses Tier in some form, possibly revamped. This would be the basic tier for comics. Previously, this tier hasn't been used much, so it's still up in the air.

I also see a possibility for buffering my renders and writing a little bit... For example: Once a render looks the way I want it to, I just throw on the text layers that have already been mapped out and written.  This would mean less chance of experiencing any "crunch", which has been very common before. This might even allow posting individual or unfinished pages quicker, in say, an "early access" for Star Patrons. (Of course, the finished comics won't be locked behind a high tier.)

Anyway, feedback and ideas are welcome. As always, thank you all for your support!


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