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First off, I appreciate everyone here. But, after a year of giving my all to monthly animations and the rest of my work... I can't help but reflect.

Monthly Animations of any kind of quality or presentation are not something you see often, and it's because animation is very time-consuming. A minute of full character and environment animation is weeks of work. 

I can make an animation each month, but it still doesn't cater to everyone. It's still not long enough. It's not quite good enough, and it's never amazing in the way a 5 minute clip might be. But there's a certain sense of story, character, and unique scenario. Trying to simplify that results in mixed and even more negative feedback. Most creator's don't limit themselves to time. After doing this style of animation for over a year, I can see why. 

   I see creators go months without releasing anything and people stay, because they're waiting for quality. I see other creators loop thigh and knee stomp animations with blank character faces and backgrounds over and over... (literally!) and it seems to satisfy an audience. One of those animators joked that I'd make more fans by doing those simple types of animations. Here, the goal has been to maintain quality and variety at a faster rate than I see anywhere else, but I can only say that I don't think it's succeeding. Aiming for a large amount of variety is actually making it impossible to keep any one person happy... and since I can barely keep up with that pace, it doesn't seem worth it.

 So with that in mind... here are the only options that are making sense to me. Choose any number of the answers below... whatever sounds best:

The format to proceed with is ______


Fabien Berton

Good evening I prefer to be direct if the vote number 1 does not pass I will be really disappointed because your main work was the long animation the mini sound also very good and also the fx but I find that it will be too big a change and the other choices do not will not convince me after that is my point of view. I am not against your work and I do not regret being at the highest level on your patreon. if it could be possible to keep the mini animation as well as the fx its would be very good the comics its also interesting because it could be a continuation of a video where the story continues or see what it is happening before get there where we see the video. I will see a mini animation every month with an fx or the continuation of shrinking nightemare and a complete comic book every 2 or 3 months what do you think?

Fabien Berton

but I understand very well if you go on so many things whether its long animation or short comics and fx it takes you a lot of time and work and especially if it is to do all of this in a month must be almost impossible

Matthew Leonard

Do another animation like interdimensional I love the whole always bigger a bigger fish premise