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  • Shrinking_Virus_FX_P_1.mp4
  • Shrinking_Virus_FX_-_English_Subs_1.mp4



*English subtitled version added!*

Serana is on the phone with a friend, discussing a shrinking virus that has broken out and only seems to effect men. Little does she know, her boyfriend has been shrunken and is on the floor below, struggling to get her attention. 

2 min. - 100% Unaware!

About this clip: 

   I basically asked Serana to pretend she was on the phone talking about a shrinking virus. That was all the coaching I gave her, and this was the result on the first take. I was pretty blown away by her improv skills!

   Fully animating a shrunken character who interacts and endures throughout the clip, (rather than random tinies being crushed) was a major challenge. The final sequence (which was made up of several actions) needed to be synced up in a continuous reel without the camera ever cutting. I ran out of footage to put in between and break up the action, but I think all the extra animation made the end result more convincing.

   I did a lot with shadows and reflections, as well as some extended color matching and motion tracking. Some of the footage was very dark, and it shows in how much noise is in some of the angles. Initially, I almost scrapped this footage, but I thought Serana really kind of made it into something special, so I did my best. I hope you enjoy!



Fabien Berton

Good evening it's true that it's quite dark but that didn't bother me. The blue patent on some plan looks like it and black but it's just a detail not embarrassing at all. I adored I hope that there will be other scenario like this hoping for crushing with the big toe lol

Mario Alvarez

She has great feet, I enjoyed this


I'm sure I'll do more scenarios like this, hopefully with much clearer footage!


The fluid animation was really impressive along with the shadows and rendering of the little guy. Really dug this one. Hope to see one with process in the future or from an even smaller perspective ala SN2 in the carpet.


Amazing! Maybe a honey I shrunk the kids style with hey unaware? Very good!!


Thank you! I learned a lot by doing this one. Not sure how I'll pull it off - possibly starting with camera upgrades and better macro lenses, but extreme micro sizes is something I will steadily be working toward. :)


Thanks! And yes, I would love to do some scenes out of that movie... maybe in the future...

Fabien Berton

I will see a continuation of this scenario and it will be great if it is also done with mitzi or an alternative where she sees her boyfriend at his feet.

matt mathew

this might be the best unaware video on the internet. hats off to the creator