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New Animation - Camille - February 19th

This one is a little bit abstract. I miss some things from the old days of my animations - some of the surreal aspects, and this will be the result of that feeling. It will be an unaware sandal crush animation, and will begin to feature various improved visual FX. A lot of these will be subtle for now. Screenshots above! 

PS - In some ways, I see areas where I can really continue this animation and turn it into something bigger... For now it will be the monthly mini-animation, and will end rather abruptly, but maybe it could be continued in the future if it's popular enough?

PPS - I will make another post soon about various other upgrades coming to my animations as well as live action stuff... New stuff is happening as promised, but some things are just taking a little time for me to learn how to implement and use properly. We're really just getting started :)




Oh? Continuation of this animation? I'm excited to see where you're going to take this- I just know wherever it's going, it's going to be g r e a t.


Thanks! And yeah, I was thinking, just because I want to keep mini animations short and simpler, doesn't mean I couldn't continue popular ones... or ones that I like lol


This looks great, I hope to see it continued sometime! Also, the model is really cute!


Look at the texture on those sandals!! Looking forward to this!!

Fred Fredson

Ooh, I'm SUPER excited for this!