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31 New Renders.




Really cool stuff, I like how you set the stage for the animation perfectly here with all the characters in their own specific situations, not to mention finally learning more about the rest of the characters we didn't see in the first part. I also really like how you included Josie's entrance into the apartment and how you kind of remastered it for this comic, it was cool seeing that again but in a different way. Everything seems pretty much set up for the animation except for the fact that Mandy still isn't shrunk, so I assume that means a part 3 for this comic is planned, so I'm definitely hyped for that. You're still planning on doing that Mandy spin-off animation too right, that could be pretty interesting, considering what type of person she is here I can't imagine her being very pleasant in that either xD. Keep up the good work!


Thanks! Yeah, so there will be a part 3. I have about 20 more frames already rendered out, and will add more, but no dialogue on them yet. The Mandy animation will sort of show the moments of Mandy and Kenzie acquiring the shrink rays and lead up to why they both had a separate group of friends breaking into Josie' s apt, but will mostly focus on further establishing Mandy as the main villain, and Kenzie as more of a neutral character. And I may even do a Chapter 0 comic to bridge the slight story gap that the animation can't fully explain. The Mandy animation actually has some good work done on it, already, but I'm prioritizing Season 2 for the entire next month to get it started right.


Great. Can't wait for more crush animations.