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Today, I've reached my second goal, and with that, things are really starting to take off.

For me, personally, this marks a huge milestone. Just this month, so far, I've had one episode of Shrinking Nightmare simulating water and hair physics for 5 days and 5 nights in a row. Every time I open this project, it takes about an hour (no joke) just to load up this one scene. First attempt at rendering was a hard crash. So I had to open it again, and wait another hour, just to attempt a second test render. Finally got it optimized for rendering, through sheer luck, and for 5 more days and nights this month, I've had this same animation rendering. It's not even a long sequence. 

What's my point? I've been doing this for years. Optimizing, testing, learning, simulating, rendering, re-rendering, troubleshooting, reading manuals, and so on. Always trying to pull off something a little bit different and exceed certain limits that I'd find in trying to bring my ideas to life. The main culprit has often been a computer that could barely handle anything once it became slightly complex. And now, thanks to you, I am taking a big step over those barriers.

It may sound cliche, but it's absolutely true: I wouldn't be here without you. There's no way I could see myself being able to upgrade to modern hardware without the level of support I've received. I'd have probably faded into complete obscurity, until I stopped bothering to release animations. Instead, I have a long list of things I want to do next. 

So what will this mean for my work? - Here's a short list of things, many of which I've already learned about and tested thoroughly, (but couldn't render out in any reasonable time, if at all): Depth of Field, Fog, 3d smoke and dust, Physics and Collision on:  hair, particles, liquids, clothing, furniture, and skin. Crowds (such as a city scene) Larger environments with more extreme scale differences, Hardware-based ray-tracing.  The list goes on and on. I've already been upgrading and investing in many things software-side that I can't even use yet, but can't wait to try out. But even more importantly: much faster rendering.

When: Much of Shrinking Nightmare Season 2 is already underway, and I will need some time to transfer and reinstall my massive library of files. Even before that, I will be busy with holidays, and doing as much research as possible, to make sure I find the computer that's best for the job. That being said, as soon as I do upgrade, I'm sure I won't be able to resist making some kind of giantess animations with it, even if I'm in the midst of editing older stuff at the time. All in all, it shouldn't be too long a wait; but it won't be instant. Still, the future is looking bright.

Thank you for your support!


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