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Summary: In his career, Logan likes to fuck his competition. Literally. He gets them pregnant and they get out of his way. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing.

Previous Chapter


Kat was unsure of how she had gotten on the little wooden rowboat. It was so crudely made and small, it might have been able to accommodate a second person, at most.

But Kat was alone.

She used one hand to shield her eyes against the bright sunlight beaming down on her. She gazed around in all directions, the still water extending as far as she could see.

Her free hand absently cupped her belly.

Her midsection felt uncomfortably bloated. Overstuffed. Her pencil skirt was tight on her waist, and her blouse was damp with perspiration. Kat narrowed her eyes, thinking she could spot some land far in the distance. “Help!” she cried out.

It was silly. She was alone. Even if what she was seeing was land, it was miles away. No one would be able to hear her.

Kat kicked off her heels. With her bare feet on the bottom of the boat, she felt safer; more stable and balanced.

God, her skirt was tight. It was positively squeezing her. Kat yelped as the button popped off her waistband, the skirt instantly loosening and sliding down as her belly pushed out several inches, freed from compression. She sighed in relief as she looked down at herself, wondering if she wasn’t bigger than she should have been…

Nothing for miles. Kat wondered where she was, and how she had gotten stranded here. The water was a deep blue, and undeniably beautiful. Yet it was eerily still. Her hands cupped the exposed lower part of her belly, her skirt having pooled around her feet. She was wearing a bikini bottom.

Her blouse was sliding and bunching up slowly, hitting a snag at her belly button. The material stretched, the buttons straining as she breathed. They began to snap off one by one. Oh, that felt better.

The boat was rocking a little, probably from her fidgeting. Kat eased herself down on the bench, stretching her back, and finally registering what was happening.

She was growing.

Her skin was flushed and tightening. She felt hot and breathless, so she pulled off the remains of her blouse. Beneath, she had a bikini top on. Kat stretched her legs, trying to get more comfortable. Her belly was throbbing with growth. She winced at a particularly strong pulse, her abdomen rising. She registered the fact that she looked at term already. How was this even possible?

Something moved in her peripheral vision. Kat directed her attention back to the water.

That’s when she saw it. The gray fin poking out above the water’s surface. Gliding around her in a steady circle. A second fin joined it, then a third.


Kat’s pulse sped up. The boat wobbled. She tried to breathe. Tried to calm down.

She groaned as her belly visibly heaved with growth, rising like dough, stretching and broadening as she arched and strained to support the increasing girth inside of her. She gasped for breath, her skin pink and tight. She could feel the pulsations, the pressure still rising within her.

She felt uncomfortably packed, on the cusp of pain. Her uterus was straining, her belly making her look as though she was overdue with twins by then. Her bikini top could barely contain her plump breasts that seemed determined to break free. Kat just tried to focus on breathing.

The boat rocked precariously. The sharks kept circling. She grunted as her belly heaved again, pushing and filling as she struggled, sweat pouring down her temples.

She felt dizzy. Her swell was becoming brutally heavy against her body, still pulsing and growing fuller even outside of the more visible growth spurts.

“Haaaah haaa…hoooo…haaaahhh…” She huffed and puffed deep breaths of air, determined to maintain her composure. If she panicked, she was as good as dead. By then, she looked as though she had a beachball affixed to her torso, the boat perilously unbalanced. She was afraid to move.

Yet her thighs twitched and fidgeted, her loins heavy. Her body felt ready.

I can’t, she told herself, desperately. She had to hold it in. Despite this resolve, she felt a faint popping sensation, then there was a gush of fluid that puddled beneath her.

Her insides lurched, then spasmed, the pain forcing her into an arched position. Kat threw her head back and screamed.

Her bikini tore apart, her fat tits bobbing free, nipples leaking.

Another heave of growth made her feel as though her belly was pinning her down, the bench creaking beneath her. Finally, the bench broke in two, Kat yelping as she dropped to the floor of the boat, the weight of her belly knocking the air out of her lungs.

It took a moment before she could breathe again, squirming and whining, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. She got her hands beneath her, trying to push herself upright. She grasped onto the edges of the boat.

“ERRRGGHHHH!” Her belly heaved with growth, her skin prickling as her mass trembled, her overstretched muscles feeling like they would tear to shreds.

She gasped for breath, then whined as something pushed lower and deeper; shoving through her. “C-can’t,” she choked. It wasn’t safe. She was too vulnerable. And there was no space. She couldn’t give birth out on the water, isolated.

Her face was hot, her insides pushing and lurching as she tried to resist. Her belly gave a forceful jerk, then spasmed some more as she wheezed and struggled, clutching what she could of it. The bottom of her bikini was starting to bulge, and she was certain that her belly was bigger than she was. It looked like an inflating balloon, overfilled and ready to pop. It started to press into both sides the boat, the wood creaking. The boat rocked, swinging erratically. Finally, it tipped over.

Kat’s scream was cut off as she was submerged in water, sinking deeper and darker, her hair floating above her, her belly throbbing, and the sharks racing after her.

She gasped awake.

Kat panted, her eyes darting around as they adjusted to the darkness. She registered that she was in her bedroom.

Her hands cupped her belly and she felt strangely comforted that it had not grown to the size of a minivan since she had fallen asleep. Shaking off the final vestiges of the strange dream, Kat climbed out of bed, held her back, then waddled into the bathroom adjoining her bedroom.

She studied her reflection. She was wearing an old T-shirt and some sweat-shorts, her belly sticking out visibly beneath the top since she couldn’t have been bothered to purchase more accommodating sleepwear in the four months since she had acquired this unfortunate condition.

Kat turned to her side, surveying the true extent of her belly, which was so absurdly round, she looked as though she could have been in her third trimester. Her breasts were steadily growing as well, now plump C-cups, sitting high and round even without the aid of a bra.

Kat absently shook her head, still stunned by how rapidly her pregnancy was advancing. This was certainly punishment for being so stupid as to sleep with someone as detestable as Logan.

She huffed out of breath.

How the hell had she let this happen?


Kat opened another drawer of her desk, reaching in and rummaging around.

She was glad to be out of the café and away from the sickening sense that they were fattening her like a prized pig, waiting to devour her.

She opened another drawer.

With Mia fully taking over as manager at the café, Mr. Oharo simply didn’t need Kat and Logan on site every day anymore, as he had told them during that last conference call.

Kat had been conflicted about Mr. Oharo’s brusque dismissal. On one hand, the café was a fucking clown show, and Kat couldn’t have been happier to get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, that left her back in the ultra-masculine and conservative Boddims corporate offices, dodging Roger while doing her best to try to hide her ludicrous pregnancy.

Kat checked the final drawer but came up empty. She usually kept a little stash of candy bars for late nights at the office. Of course, she hadn’t been here in a while, and so hadn’t restocked.

Though it was only 11 AM, Kat had already consumed her hearty lunch of sub sandwiches — two of them. They had been loaded with lettuce, tomato, roast beef, pickles, salami, and cheddar cheese. Kat had plowed through the food in minutes, and it had been absolutely delicious. But somehow, she was still hungry.

Her stomach grumbled. Kat’s face twisted into a scowl, her hands clutching the rounded curve of her belly.

She couldn’t believe that she still had this thing inside of her, now so large that she had become fat, her belly bulging out like a dome. Besides wearing oversized sweaters, blazers, and jackets when she was in the office, she had given up wearing bras in hopes that the increasing size of her tits would draw attention away from her abdomen somewhat.

Technically she wasn’t past the cutoff to terminate. The only problem was Oharo. The magnate was so clearly obsessive about pregnancy that Kat feared getting an abortion would ruin the café deal, even at this late stage in the partnership.

Maybe she was being overly cautious. Oharo had loosened the reins. Sarah was gone, and now Kat had been freed from her duties at the café. She no longer had constant oversight, no one watching her and reporting to Oharo.

Maybe it was time…

Her pregnancy was already heavy, burdensome, and visible. Kat knew that it was strange as well. Her doctor had been stumped. He had mentioned a high probability of multiples and referred her to various specialists. It was all extremely disturbing. Kat knew pursuing specialty treatment would be a waste of her time and money. She had no intention of keeping the baby—babies?


And yet here she was, still pregnant, her personal life queasily intertwined in her career.

The gurgling of her belly caused Kat to grimace.

She slammed the drawer shut, then impatiently rubbed the oversized swell with her palms. She breathed evenly, trying to clear her mind. She might as well work on one problem at a time. The hunger always took the forefront. It was uncomfortable and relentless. It made her anxious.

Yet she worked for one of the world’s largest snack producers. She had nothing to fret about.

Kat heaved herself up from her chair, once again stunned by how much effort that took compared to just a month ago. She still couldn’t believe how rapidly she was blowing up! Kat adjusted her sweater and grabbed her huge purse, clutching the large designer bag against her as she stepped out of the office.

She walked along familiar corridors, keeping her head down, avoiding attention. It was so uncharacteristic of her and she hated it. No one made it to the top while trying to fade into the background.

Unsurprisingly, her thoughts wandered back to her hunger, her skin hot, her belly beginning to ache with need. She was always hungry and horny. This condition was maddening. Kat did her best to focus on her destination.

Only moments later, she was in front of the third-floor storeroom, unlocking it with the key she had borrowed from the janitor. All it had taken was a wink and a smile. The man still had a crush on her, even despite her increasingly frumpy wardrobe.

Kat entered the room and closed the door behind her, flipping on the lights. She found herself surrounded by shelves piled with boxes upon boxes of Boddims fat-cakes in every variety. They were mainly stocked here as samples for potential clients, or just handouts to whomever was feeling masochistic.

Kat quickly grabbed the closest box to her, ripping it open, and tearing apart the wrapping on the first snack-cake. It was covered in icing, and as she stuffed it into her mouth, whipped cream gushed onto her tongue. The cake was so soft and squishy, sweet and oily. She barely had to chew before she gulped it down, then quickly tore the packaging off another cake, demolishing it.

She was six cakes in when she finally took notice of the muffled voices. Kat furrowed her brow at the familiarity. Was that…Johnson? She shuffled towards the far wall, pushing boxes aside as she leaned as close as she could get, while idly munching on another cake. She realized that this storeroom must have been right next to the third-floor break room as she listened to the chattering male voices.

“I don’t know, man,” Johnson was saying. “I wouldn’t call her a 10. Maybe a couple months ago, but have you seen her lately?”

“Kat got fat,” someone chirped.

There was a round of idiotic chuckles.

“Fuck, no!” That sounded like Pryce, the cum-wad. “She was my masochistic fantasy. I was gonna invite her to slap me around then sit on my face.”

More juvenile giggling.

“I mean you could still invite her. Just be prepared to literally die,” Smith deadpanned.

They were positively howling.

“Hey, hey, she’s still entirely fuckable.” Was that Logan’s voice!? Kat crushed the cake she was holding into mush, her body trembling in fury.

“I dunno, she’s looking kinda round, if you know what I mean,” said someone meaningfully.

Kat stilled, going pale. There was a pause in the other room.

“Well that’s a no for me,” said Pryce flatly, the group of men seeming to sober a bit. “Dumb way to ruin her career.”

“She was never the sharpest tool in the shed,” Logan remarked.

“How about Ike’s new secretary? That girl’s got an ass on her. It’s just so grabbable…” The chauvinistic chattering went on. Dazedly, Kat stepped away from the wall.

For the first time, she wondered if her secret was out.

Next Chapter



I love that Kat is getting the focus on this chapter!


Posted in the wrong story but was curious if Mia would get the Kat treatment. Or Maybe have Kat start falling for / being attracted to Logan despite everything. Either way... just having fun spitballing.


Well, Kat has one option to come out on top, but it's pretty crazy to consider. But as she said in Part 3 - "I. Am Fucking. Crazy!" 😆