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Summary: Inspired by Surrogate Stuffing by Jaundis. Lynn is thirty-six. Her eighteen-year-old daughter, Hina, loves to stuff her belly to the brim with food. Determined to mitigate the effects of this bad habit, Lynn casts a spell to make 3/4 of the food that Hina consumes teleport to Lynn’s own belly. But Lynn soon realizes that this was a bad idea, because Hina doesn't stop eating until she feels really stuffed. Contains: Female: stuffing, belly expansion, weight gain, force feeding. Request submitted by Sebastian on patreon.

Previous Chapter 


When Lynn got home, she lay in bed while clutching a hot compress against her swollen abdomen. She groaned and tried to stay still through the churning discomfort filling her stomach. She dozed off at times but could not say unconscious for long because of the prickles of pain that would arise erratically. Finally, when she heard the front door open, she opened her eyes.


Lynn moaned quietly as she heaved herself out of bed, her hands clutching her round stomach. She truly did look as though she was six months pregnant by thwn. Slowly, she made her way down the steps and spotted Hina in the living room, dumping her backpack on the couch. “We need to talk,” Lynn managed.


Hina rolled her eyes. “God, you’re like a broken record.”


“Just listen,” Lynn insisted. “I’m trying to be completely honest with you for once. I know you’re not going to believe me at first, but I — I’m a witch. Literally, a witch. And I cast a spell on you, on both of us, Hina. It’s why your stomach has so much more capacity than before, and it’s why I’m putting on so much weight. I connected my body to yours. Three quarters of the food you eat now goes directly to me.” Lynn said this all in a rush, determined to get it out before Hina stormed off like she always did.


Now Hina was just standing there, looking at Lynn like she was crazy. “Mom, are you feeling alright?” Her head tilted to the side.


“Ortus!” Lynn exclaimed, throwing her arms into the air, her hair flying up as though she were standing on some high-pressure vent. She knew that if she wanted to convince Hina of the truth, she would have to prove it. The couch, coffee table, bookshelf, and several other pieces of furniture levitated a few inches into the air, wobbling as they hovered just for a few seconds. Then all at once, the furniture crashed back onto the ground, several books tumbling off the shelf from the impact.


Hina looked wildly around, her eyes wide with shock.


Lynn gripped the railing at the bottom of the stairs, the simple spell having taken a lot of out of her. It was no surprise, given how heavy she had gotten, and how lethargic she felt from being continually stuffed. “This is no joke, Hina. I am a witch, and I made a grave mistake. We can only resolve this if we work together.”


Hina seemed completely stunned, her gaze continuing to trail over the room. Every piece of furniture had been left a bit lopsided. “This is insane,” Hina managed. “I — I can’t do this!” Then she hurried off to her bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her.


Lynn breathed a heavy sigh. She would give her daughter the rest of the night to process things. Then, maybe, they could finally have an honest conversation.




Hina couldn’t sleep.


She lay in bed wide awake, her gaze on the ceiling. She thought of the bizarre things her mother had told her. But witchcraft wasn’t real. This had to be some manipulation. It felt like pure insanity. But what was her mother’s aim in tricking her in such a way?


Was Lynn really so desperate? To try to convince her own blood of fantastical nonsense?


It was true that Hina had managed to lose weight even despite her food portions increasing. She had figured her metabolism was just speeding up as she moved into adulthood. But did things really work like that, biologically? Shouldn’t it have been the opposite. Hina frowned, her arms folded tightly over her torso.


There was no way this witchcraft nonsense was real.


Despite her conviction, Hina felt inclined to disprove her mother’s ludicrous narrative. This day would mark a true rift in their relationship, as Lynn had resorted to outrageous stories and even gaslighting.


Hina got out of bed. She stuck her feet into some slippers and pulled a robe on over her pajamas. She opened her bedroom door carefully, then padded her way down to the kitchen.


The fridge was stocked with fruits, vegetables, and some leftover stew. There was nothing particularly heavy, which, of course, corresponded with Lynn’s relentless efforts to get Hina on a proper “diet.”


It was close to 2 AM. Hina hesitated as she considered her options. Finally, she went on her phone and opened a food delivery app, scrolling to one of the few restaurants still open at this time of night. It was a small pizza place just down the road from her. The food wasn’t the best, but it would have to suffice. Hina quickly put in an order for several extra-large, fully-loaded pizzas. With that, she lowered her phone, heaving a sigh. Go hard or go home, right? It was time to catch her mother in her lies, and never have to put up with the woman again. Hina walked into the living room, sat on the couch, and waited.


It was an hour before Hina saw a pizza delivery car pull into the driveway. She went to the front door and opened it, intercepting the driver before he could ring the doorbell and possibly wake up Lynn.


“Thanks,” Hina whispered, accepting the four huge pizza boxes into her arms. “I tipped on the app.”


“Have a good night,” said the delivery guy. He was kinda cute.


Hina smiled as he turned to leave. She watched him drive off before she nudged the door closed with her foot.


Moving as quietly as she could while burdened by the boxes, Hina made her way upstairs, freezing up every time a step creaked. But she heard no movement from her mother’s room. As far she could tell, Lynn was sound asleep.


Hina paused outside of her mother’s bedroom door, before gingerly lowering the boxes to the floor. She might as well go all out. Hina had a half dozen cupcakes from her part-time job at the bakery she had been allowed to take home with her the day before. In the whole fiasco about magic and witchcraft, she had completely forgotten about them. Hina tiptoed to her bedroom to retrieve the box of cupcakes, before returning to the hallway and setting the box of baked goods atop the pizzas. Drawing a deep breath, she turned the knob on her mother’s bedroom door.


The door opened soundlessly. And thankfully, the room was carpeted, so when Hina lifted the boxes and slipped inside, she hardly made a noise. She still paused after each step, her gaze locked on the bed and her mother’s sleeping form. Lynn was sprawled on her side, the sheets nearly pulled up to her nose. Hina barely breathed as she made her way to the far corner of the room, carefully easing the pizza boxes onto the floor, and then sitting down beside them. She lifted the cupcake box and put it to the side for now. She opened up the top pizza box, the aroma of hot meat and cheese causing her to salivate. Hina’s eyes steadily adjusted to the darkness. With the dim light that radiated off the muted television on the adjacent wall (Lynn always seemed to fall asleep with it on), Hina was able to make out the thick layers of mozzarella, pepperoni, bacon, olives, chicken, sausage, ricotta, and steak, all of it topped with another layer of mozzarella. Fully loaded, indeed.


The meal looked so heavy, it was almost intimidating. But Hina was up for a challenge. Lately, she was able to stuff down absurdly large portions of food with hardly any effort. Sure, this was a lot even for her, but Hina had a point to prove, and that would necessitate her pushing herself to the extreme. And so, with her gaze locked on Lynn’s sleeping form, Hina lifted the first slice.


Hina ate as quietly as she could. She rapidly scarfed down the first four pizza slices, her stomach hardly seeming to register it. This just drove her to eat faster, her body craving that feeling of fullness that always seemed just out of reach.


Her mother stirred on the bed a little, and Hina held her breath. Lynn murmured indecipherable nonsense, her hands sleepily pushing the sheets down to her chest. She rolled to her side, her hands cupping her abdomen. But thankfully, she didn’t wake up. Hina listened as her mother’s breaths grew long and even again.


Hina sighed in relief. She kept one eye on her mother, and another on the pizza, lifting yet another slice and chomping through it with even more ambition. She needed to work fast if this was going to work. Hina finished the first box. Panting, she pushed it aside and opened the second box. She lifted a slice and rapidly demolished it.


This was an odd skill to have. She seemed to have acquired it so randomly. Hina wondered if she should join an eating competition or something. Her capacity seemed insane. Four slices into the second box, Hina finally started to feel comfortably sated, but this didn’t deter her one bit. She kept enthusiastically eating, fueled by the risk of her mother waking up and catching her.


Lynn groaned and shifted in her sleep. Hina could see the glow of perspiration on her mother’s forehead every time the light caught it. Lynn’s hands roamed and pushed more at the blankets, shoving them down below her waist. Hina couldn’t help pausing to stare at the rounded curve protruding out, extenuated by the glow of the television. Bare skin was visible, protruding out beneath Lynn’s nightshirt. Rising and falling with Lynn’s seemingly heavy breathing.


Hina was stunned to see it so clearly. Her brows furrowed as she observed it while continuing to munch on pizza slices. Lynn really had gained quite a lot of weight. It seemed more prominent now that it was uncovered, unobstructed by clothing.


Hina bit into yet another slice. The food was so gooey, cheesy, and delicious. Her jaw was growing tired, and she herself was finally starting to sweat a little. She could see her mother breathing harder yet, her belly rising and falling, but she didn’t wake up.


Hina shoved the second emptied pizza box aside. She was starting to feel bloated, but not to the point of discomfort. It actually felt nice. So, she opened the third pizza box and went to work.


It was all so good. So fucking good. Hina just loved food, and pizza was one of her favorites. She moaned quietly as she gobbled through slices, the crust still warm and crispy. Her stomach was almost full, but still eager for more. Eager to stretch and accommodate.


She felt reinvigorated. A new surge of adrenaline and desire. Hina stuffed pizza slices down ravenously, perhaps before she could think better of it, and her body could truly start to protest. She made quick work of four slices, before she started to slow down again, breathing heavily. Her belly was uncomfortably full, visibly sticking out, and she found herself adjusting her position on the floor, spreading her legs to avoid any pressure against the slight curve of her food-baby. She gave a faint laugh and closed her eyes, resting her head against the wall behind her. She just needed a minute, then she would finish things off. Hina sucked in a long breath of air, rather enjoying the increased temperature of her body, the flush of her skin, and the growing pressure within her abdomen.


The break went on for five minutes, but Hina knew she had to keep going, or she would fall asleep right there on the floor. So, she opened her eyes and looked at the remaining food. A belch surged up her throat, but she managed to cover her mouth so that she didn’t make too much noise.


In her peripheral vision, she could see her mother squirming on the bed, sometimes grunting and groaning, but Hina couldn’t focus on that. Getting the rest of this pizza down was going to take all her attention. She almost regretted ordering so many toppings, but it was well worth it to prove her point. And to piss off her mother, as a side bonus.


Hina resumed eating, working as efficiently as she could, gulping as quickly and forcefully as possible, ignoring as her insides lurched in protest.


Something gurgled on the bed. Hina kept eating.


She finished off the third pizza, and immediately got started on the fourth, eating through the pain and pressure, the fatigue and discomfort, her stomach tight and firm as though she was in the early stages of pregnancy. She swallowed against the occasional urge to retch, refusing to acknowledge the nausea. Refusing to think or smell or allow the pizza to become sickening rather than an indulgent meal. She just had to keep going.


Three slices into the fourth pizza, she was gasping for breath. Her clothing was damp with sweat, but she kept on, she kept pushing.


She was six slices in. Only two more. Hina desperately wanted to take a break, but that wasn’t an option. If she stopped, she didn’t think she would be able to resume. Her belly gave a long, gurgling whine. Urging her to stop.


Hina chewed and swallowed down her latest gulp of food. She folded a slice in two, then took the largest bite she could, and then another, her cheeks bulging as she chewed as fast as possible.


Only one slice left. Hina hummed in discomfort as she ate it, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. But she didn’t stop there. She quickly moved onto the cupcakes, grabbing at them and veritably stuffing them into her mouth. They were so soft and oily, she hardly had to chew. That worked to her favor. She was practically crying as she stuffed them into her mouth, forcing them down her throat, her stomach stinging, feeling like it might rupture from the pressure. But she knew she could handle it. Hina kept going. She heard a strangled noise from the bed, but she didn’t look up. She was almost done.


Joshua S

Fuuuuuuuu. I need so much more! Lol


This is so fucking excellent. Thanks for this, Kompera!