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I decided to return to this piece 👀 and I'm quite pleased with how it turns out! Really want to finish this! *O* *inspiration mode on*




Ready to make a crocodile...or alligator? Jacket xD


I confuse crocodiles and alligators all the time ^^' Crocodiles seem to be the bigger ones and I'm not sure which ones are found in South America. Crocodile jacket yes! And also crocodile stew for her cubs =^^=


Inspiration mode :D The power to manhandle a reptile like that and look strikingly beautiful is impressive. I love that this is in color now! There is so much to love, especially those water effects.

AnisisArt (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-24 16:02:00 Yeah >:3 Jaguars are impressive! Strong and fearsome *O* My fave combination
2023-06-13 12:29:49 Yeah >:3 Jaguars are impressive! Strong and fearsome *O* My fave combination

Yeah >:3 Jaguars are impressive! Strong and fearsome *O* My fave combination