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Ok first the boring part. I’m taking a week off. Sorry for being abrupt about it. My decision stems from the fact that I need to seriously structure the next arc both in Journey and Bob, I know what I want to say, but I have always had issues with pacing and setting expectations and I must pay attention to make sure every chapter stays exciting, and every chapter has at least one of those memorable moments that (helpfully) make you smile. Or at least rage, depending. That means the counter for next chapters is extended by seven days. RR will also be on break for that duration.

On a related news, Journey has reached chapter 200.

It has been a bit over two years since I started Journey and, with above 5k words per chapter, that means the story should be above a million words long by now. Thanks to everyone who has been part of the journey (haha) so far. It goes without saying but I could never have done it without you. Same for calamitous supporters. Everyone helps me keep writing with passion.

I missed Ari’s official birthday by a single day since today is the 18th, which means that this is a 97% auspicious moment. I also wanted to use this chapter as an excuse to remember what made the story possible over the years, the humans who appreciate the shenanigans and misadventures of my personal favorite blood muffin, long may she reign. Thanks everyone, it’s a VERY emotional moment for me. Cheers to all of you. You are a blessing.



Journey is legit the best story I‘ve ever read. So high quality, not repetitive, exciting and best of all: incredibly long. Yay


Cheers and happy 97% birthday goodness!

Andrew Moreton

Taking time to do the story properly seem sensible to me

Jan Verner

Happy birthday to the story!


Have loved both of your stories for quite some time and I dont see that changing anything soon. Looking forward to reading the next arcs and make sure to take some time for yourself during your break as well :D


And there are still more exciting things to come! At least I believe so.


Amazing!!! Please keep Ariane coming in all her flaming pig glory!


I will allow this provided that we one day receive a commission of Melusine's gift.


Take that break you deserve it.


I would say it's consistency and not pacing or setting expectations, but I enjoy the speedy clip of the novel. I've had very little to complain about or criticize anyway and this is one of the most compelling and immersive web-stories I've read full stop. Have a pleasant break!


just my luck, first month I become a patron and it wouldn't be a full release of calamitous Bob.


Happy birthday to you !


Thanks it was really fun and I now have three projects lined up for after.