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We've finally arrived at the penultimate episode of season 12, and we've got business to handle!!  Are we gonna get it all wrapped up in time??  And gracefully???  ...join us 'n let's find out!

"Who We Are"

Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/874390536/162fa691f7

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/Ucb8z4Dxt4w


SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 12x22WATCH ALONG


Amye Sabin

Jensen was unsure throughout most of S12 why the writers brought Mary back. Once he read the script for this episode, he understood that Dean needed to forgive his mother and get over the idealized version he had built in his head. What the BMoL are doing by creaing a network of hunters working together is a really great idea, but the execution (by them) was more evil than some monsters they've faced. I loved the idea of Sam stepping up to be a leader. He does a great job. In retrospect, S12 isn't all that bad. The conflict is great, there are some fantastic episodes. Like you said, it's still far about S7. I put it third from the bottom just about S15. But Season 13 & 14 are great IMO. Get ready for a roller coaster of a ride for the Season finale.

Toasted Toad

That wasn’t a good enough reason to bring her back. I know Jensen has said this is the episode where he understood, but I doubt very much that they had this in mind at the start of the season. It would have made more sense to bring their father back, but JDM was not available. Instead, they brought Mary back as what Dean supposedly needed most, and she proceeded to hurt them even more. What Dean needed was for her never to have died. He did not need her back.

Sanya Arif

Season 13 might just be my 2nd fav season . I love one character and their journey who, from what I can tell not many like . Maybe I'm wrong. Can't wait for you to get to the finale and the next season.