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As many of you are aware, we were working the past year on a website to make it easier to navigate the Patreon - needless to say, it was shit lol

So in the past 3 weeks, we started allllll over again and it's coming along REALLY FAST! And it's gonna be lightyears better than we initially imagined

I'm not being hyperbolic, I really mean it. Ya'll will love it!





Super stoked for the website, guys and nice hoodie too!


Ooo shiny!! Your work was not in vain. I’m happy it’s going to be easier to find more content! Also how badass is it yall have created such an extensive library as to need a website?


Looking forward to it. One thing that usually keeps me from being able to view your Watch Along reactions is me not being able to find a source for the thing your reacting too. Plus, I don't sub to many platforms, so access is limited. But, watching the shorter edits is okay.


Yay! I'm so excited to see it! 🖤


But I love hyperbolic🤣

Maria Hammon

For the past few years, I have not been able to read any Content on Patreon because it thinks I’m not a member. Instead of going right in it asks me to join the Patreon and I’m sick of it. I’ve tried to get help to fix it but apparently nothing can be done so I haven’t seen any shout outs or any other things like that for about a year. Here’s what I see when I try to get in.


Hey, Maria!! I'm upset to hear this has been happing - something I have heard a couple times, so I'm shooting you a message. Got some ideas for how we may be able to clear this up. Really sorry this has been an issue!!