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Guys!!  Psych-o's, Super Sexy P-Jects, anyone who has been watching these -- I cannot believe WE HAVE MADE IT!!  Definitely not ready to say goodbye to this show (luckily we've still got a few more Bloopers + the After Pshow & the Movies to look forward to), but regardless this has been an absolutely joyous experience from front to back & I think they did a nice job closing us out..  keep an eye out for more stuff in the coming weeks, but for now, I hope you ENJOY!!!

"The Breakup"  -- aka THE GRAND PFINALÉ!!

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS: https://vimeo.com/831322825/00f8efe4b4

WATCH ALONG Link: https://youtu.be/KQMzS8-4RMQ

Episode Synopsis: Shawn decides to move to San Francisco to be with Juliet, but struggles to find a way to break the news to Gus...


More PSYCH Reactions:


PSYCH S8 Finale - Watchalong


Ryan Towell

Now we get to do the three movies I sure hope.


My favourite moment of the episode is Lassie stopping the video before Shawn admits that he's not psychic. All he's wanted since the show started is for Shawn to finally admit it but now after everything they've been through he doesn't need to hear it, makes me tear up every time.

Flev Dorin

This journey was the best viewing experience I ever had, and I don't think I'll get this same feeling again, Psych is one of my favorite show ever and you guys are my favorite cinema/tv enthusiasts, so all of this blended together into this perfect experience that I don't think I'll have again because, like other favorite show's of mine like Attack on Titan (which also ends this year), I love that journey with Greg, especially since he's the one who got me into that show, it's not really the same cause there are MANY other reactors who covered this show and who I watched, but Psych is more special cause for some reason it's a more underrated show, so you takin on this show and it being a patreon exlusive made it a more intimate viewing experience. I don't have other fav shows that will get on the same level, the only 2 shows that I love that'll give the same level of viewing experience, are not show's that I think will have a chance of being picked up (Boy Meets World and YuYu Hakusho if anyone's wondering), so this will always be a unique experience for me no matter what comes next, and I'm excited to see what comes next, I put my suggestion and I'll won't insist on it but 🤞. I loved this finale! It's probably because I zeroed in on the emotional stuff that the motw didn't bothered me was fine. Shawn's growth, his and Gus' friendship, Lassiter refussing to find out the truth to preserve his respect & friendship with Shawn, Henry moving on in his life (although he probably got fired for taking his students on a shoot out😂), Val freakin' Kilmer (the bit from his video of "you are some one that I think I could've looked up to well into my teens, and 20s😂) and Shawn & Jules!😍 That proposal scene was everything Psych and then some. I don't know what to expect from the After Show cause I never say it, so that'll be fun. The movies however will be some fresh doze of fun from our cast that mind you, there was a 3y gap between the Finale and 1st movie. Psych: The Movie - is a charming continuation to the show that kept all the fun and quirks that we know, while giving us something extra in this new enviroment. There is also a POST CREDIT scene so don't forget! Psych 2: Lassie Come Home - is such a heartwarming tale for many reasons, some of which I'll probably mention in the post show reaction. Psych 3: This Is Gus - is another fun adventure, probably the least of the 3 movies imo (not to say is bad, nothing Psych is ever bad!), but the final 15-20min of that movie, is THE MOST outlandish, bonkers, acid trippin final scene that Psych (or any movie that I've seen) has ever done!😵😂🤣 ...so as you can tell, there are plenty of fun stuff to cap this journey. 🍍You already know what a staple the pineapple is, and I wanted to make sure that you get to experience this fun little part of this show, and you did it very well! I'm a stats guy, so I went back throught the eps to see how good you did in this little game: out of 170ish pinap cameos you got 75 (* or not), that's really not bad for a rookie Psych-O! You spotted the very first one in the pilot "should we slice this up for the road?", and you went many up and down eps, untill S3 when you sharpened your detecting skill and spotting them more frequently, and you had a streak that lasted till now of 24 consecutive weeks of pineapples spotted. Trivia: I made up this section of my comments to show you how immersed in cinema and tv history this cast & crew are, and how well they payed attention to their own history with their many gags. And on that note: the actor who played Gus' new boss Deon Richmond, also played Bud in The Cosby Show! Making this another great cameo that also complements an old gag of the show.


I’m not much of a “commenter” but I wanted to hop on and say thanks. The community you cultivated made this so much fun. Psych is my ultimate comfort show so I was hesitant to do a watch along but I had a blast. I’m looking forward to your takes on the movies (Psych 3 is my favorite so far). Hopefully by the time you get through the movies we will at least have an official announcement about Psych 4. I wonder if maybe the Monk movie delayed the announcement. Speaking of Monk, that is who they were alluding to with the “other investigator who is in the kitchen alphabetizing the spices.” Monk takes place in San Francisco. Last thing I’ll say is regarding shared actors with Psych and SPN. IMDB has a list of shared actors between the 2 shows and there are hundreds listed. I believe I heard that filming in Vancouver required them to employ a certain amount of Canadian actors so with an 8 season show and a 15 season show there was a lot of overlap. With that said you might not want to check out the list yet. It doesn’t give away plot points but does have actors character names and season they were in. That could be a little “spoilery” for SPN. Thanks again for sharing this show with us fellow Psych-O’s.


man this show is easily my favorite show of all time. been watching this show for well over a decade now and i still enjoy every episode as if its my first time viewing it and not many shows can do that for me but this is one of them. this episode always gets me emotional in multiple parts of the show but my favorite has to be lassie destroying the dvd it just makes me happy everytime i see it. if i remember correctly i watched the aftershow live if it is what i think it is, if they auction off the blueberry in it then it definitely is what i remember. i just want to say thank you for reacting to the show there arent many people out that that have so i am glad that you did. i also love the community that was built here for this journey and reading the comments has taught me some trivia that i just never knew before so i thank everyone for that. i am very excited for the movies now as i love those ones as well and i will watch whatever psych comes out just cause i love this cast and series so much.

Nether22 (Frank)

I do usually watch the highlights, unless its big episodes or ones I really love, for time reasons but I did enjoy my quick binge to this point and to watch this full one now my first year is over and all my works handed in and I can sit down and watch this last episode in its full length. Im currently in university studying Film, TV, Radio & Media Production. Kinda perfect for me loving TV so much, I think if I ever got a chance to work with any of the guys from Psych, Supernatural, Scrubs, Chuck, Legends of Tomorrow or any of my other heavy hitters, I could die happy. I think with the ending being Monk should be a reason we all go and watch Monk, weather in a reaction watch along way or in our own time, because I liked monk but only got half way through. When that cameo happened my first watch, I really thought it was going to be Emilio Estaves, to round it off but what we got instead was great with Val. Plus we also have the conclusion of Bud Guster from the Crosby show with that cameo, it was soo amazing to see that again. Now for the real talk about the episode. It almost made me cry and ive seen it like 10 times. I think this is the second top rated episode behind Late night Gus and I think its clear to see why. My previous statement of the "Just fuck it season" may be what they were going for getting in everyones last moments and rounding up on stories and goofs they wanted, bringing back all their favourite guests and so on, but this season and this episode just isnt a "fuck it season" its clear to see how much work and emotion went in from them all and its fantastic. Cant wait to move on to the watching of the films, I am aware a few people wished they didnt happen because the ending is so perfect but I believe myself and many others love the films and feel they add so much more to the stories and characters and soo much more. Also the goodbye videos. Amazing just perfect. Lassie not wanting to know the truth. Woody not understanding its not a skype call. And then after Lassies goodbye and ending where we see how far he has come from the womanizer civil war renactor to the lovable hero, husband father. And Buzz's evloution from oaf to detective finally. I bet his wife and cat are proud of him. There are the films and obviously the After Pshow but after seeing this final with you, and processing my anxiety about our journey with our little community within a community, im ready to quote Desmond from Lost, but we have some content left before I need to say that.

Lori Esquire

Hello John! How are you? Well, even though I wasn't around for the entire Psych brigade - it was a blast spending time with you and hearing all what you had to say. Always insightful and a warmth Cones from you naturally that I love. 💙🤗Better late than never- huh? I thoroughly enjoyed this experience. I hope you continue to do things such as this if that's where your heart is leading you to be. Love you man! - Le 🙃💙🔺️😶‍🌫️🤭🥸 😎awwwwwwwww yeah............

Annelise White

WE DID IT!! I can’t believe we made it all the way to the end! I’ve been so busy, but I was just now able to catch up on the past few reactions just in time for the finale! Psych has such an incredible, loyal, and dedicated fan base and I’ve loved the community us psychos have found on here with you, John 💚 it’s been such a blast revisiting and experiencing this beauty of a show with you and I’m going to miss all of your little anecdotes, introspective studies, and contagious love for Psych and it’s characters! Obviously, I’d love for you to react to the movies too but no worries if you can’t - as long as you do on your own time, it’s well worth it! So much love for you, John!! You’re such a light 💚 ((ps. any shows you’re interested in watching that is psychos could re-congregate at? Haha Burn Notice, White Collar, etc.? Those are some of my other fav. quirky (and underrated) crime shows))

Lex (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-02 08:19:53 Damn, I love this show so much. All the feels in this finale 🥺🤗😫🤣🥰🥹 There are so many good moments. But among my favorites are the second hug from Lassie with Shawn and as many have already said, when Lassie stops the video before it ends and then breaks the disc 🥹 I also appreciate the call back to Henry's "How many hats are in the room?" that he used to quiz Shawn on. But mostly the moment from Henry when he smiles and says "he finally called me". I think back to season 1, ep 2 when Shawn was building the dog house in the middle of the spelling bee case. Henry starts to help him and Shawn comments, "what the hell are you doing...you've never helped me before, ever". And Henry responds, "you've never asked". Now here we are 8 years later and Shawn is asking for Henry's help. I've just always loved that detail and seeing how far that relationship has come. As for the finale as a whole it's hard because how the fuck do you even begin to say goodbye to such a beloved show like this?! But, I do feel they did the best they could and I really like it. I love the back and forth of Shawn's narration, and the reveal that it's his video to Gus is so impactful to me. As much as I love the humor of this show, I absolutely adore those raw and real moments with Shawn. I can't help but tear up in the moments when Gus and Lassie are watching their videos from Shawn every time. And those last few moments are a lot to take in but I always loved the teary eyed look between Gus and Jules as they shake their heads in unison when Shawn says, "I know I come with baggage and a best friend who's not going anywhere ever" 😍 Plus ending it on the chaotic note of the ring getting stolen is just perfect honestly 😆 Random thoughts: I want a navigation system that I can set to tacos 😆 try saying "Pelican pick and pluck pistol pack" five times fast 😂 Love your gold pineapple cup! Hope something fun was inside like a piña colada! You asked in the intro for any hot takes on Psych but I don't have any so you can rest easy haha. In the review you asked if what Shawn was eating was flax seed, and yes it was! Which I've never eaten by the handful like Shawn but I do like to add it to smoothies. Great source of omega 3 fatty acids! 🍍It was a sneaky one! But you got it! Awwww yeeeeaaaaah 😉😎🍍 As for my horror journey, it's been all over the place. I eased in a few years ago with shows that have a horror element like Buffy and Stranger Things. My first horror film was Pet Sematary, the one from 1989, and that shit fucked me up with nightmares 😂 Then my first horror/slasher film was Scream and I adore the whole franchise now. I won't list everything I've seen but it's a mix of classics like Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the Evil Dead 1 & 2, The Shining and newer films like, well everything you guys have reacted to on your channel basically haha. I gravitate towards psychological horror and comedies. Still discovering other sub generes of the horror umbrella though. I don't have a guide on this journey, so any recommendations you have are totally welcome! I've loved experiencing this show again through your eyes and hearing your thoughts. Thanks for welcoming us all in and creating a space to geek out over this amazing show. By far my favorite rewatch 🥰 Jubilant, joyous and jolly John - you are the bees knees!🤘🏼 Much love🖤
2023-06-01 22:03:50 Damn, I love this show so much. All the feels in this finale 🥺🤗😫🤣🥰🥹 There are so many good moments. But among my favorites are the second hug from Lassie with Shawn and as many have already said, when Lassie stops the video before it ends and then breaks the disc 🥹 I also appreciate the call back to Henry's "How many hats are in the room?" that he used to quiz Shawn on. But mostly the moment from Henry when he smiles and says "he finally called me". I think back to season 1, ep 2 when Shawn was building the dog house in the middle of the spelling bee case. Henry starts to help him and Shawn comments, "what the hell are you doing...you've never helped me before, ever". And Henry responds, "you've never asked". Now here we are 8 years later and Shawn is asking for Henry's help. I've just always loved that detail and seeing how far that relationship has come. As for the finale as a whole it's hard because how the fuck do you even begin to say goodbye to such a beloved show like this?! But, I do feel they did the best they could and I really like it. I love the back and forth of Shawn's narration, and the reveal that it's his video to Gus is so impactful to me. As much as I love the humor of this show, I absolutely adore those raw and real moments with Shawn. I can't help but tear up in the moments when Gus and Lassie are watching their videos from Shawn every time. And those last few moments are a lot to take in but I always loved the teary eyed look between Gus and Jules as they shake their heads in unison when Shawn says, "I know I come with baggage and a best friend who's not going anywhere ever" 😍 Plus ending it on the chaotic note of the ring getting stolen is just perfect honestly 😆 Random thoughts: I want a navigation system that I can set to tacos 😆 try saying "Pelican pick and pluck pistol pack" five times fast 😂 Love your gold pineapple cup! Hope something fun was inside like a piña colada! You asked in the intro for any hot takes on Psych but I don't have any so you can rest easy haha. In the review you asked if what Shawn was eating was flax seed, and yes it was! Which I've never eaten by the handful like Shawn but I do like to add it to smoothies. Great source of omega 3 fatty acids! 🍍It was a sneaky one! But you got it! Awwww yeeeeaaaaah 😉😎🍍 As for my horror journey, it's been all over the place. I eased in a few years ago with shows that have a horror element like Buffy and Stranger Things. My first horror film was Pet Sematary, the one from 1989, and that shit fucked me up with nightmares 😂 Then my first horror/slasher film was Scream and I adore the whole franchise now. I won't list everything I've seen but it's a mix of classics like Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the Evil Dead 1 & 2, The Shining and newer films like, well everything you guys have reacted to on your channel basically haha. I gravitate towards psychological horror and comedies. Still discovering other sub generes of the horror umbrella though. I don't have a guide on this journey, so any recommendations you have are totally welcome! I've loved experiencing this show again through your eyes and hearing your thoughts. Thanks for welcoming us all in and creating a space to geek out over this amazing show. By far my favorite rewatch 🥰 Jubilant, joyous and jolly John - you are the bees knees!🤘🏼 Much love🖤

Damn, I love this show so much. All the feels in this finale 🥺🤗😫🤣🥰🥹 There are so many good moments. But among my favorites are the second hug from Lassie with Shawn and as many have already said, when Lassie stops the video before it ends and then breaks the disc 🥹 I also appreciate the call back to Henry's "How many hats are in the room?" that he used to quiz Shawn on. But mostly the moment from Henry when he smiles and says "he finally called me". I think back to season 1, ep 2 when Shawn was building the dog house in the middle of the spelling bee case. Henry starts to help him and Shawn comments, "what the hell are you doing...you've never helped me before, ever". And Henry responds, "you've never asked". Now here we are 8 years later and Shawn is asking for Henry's help. I've just always loved that detail and seeing how far that relationship has come. As for the finale as a whole it's hard because how the fuck do you even begin to say goodbye to such a beloved show like this?! But, I do feel they did the best they could and I really like it. I love the back and forth of Shawn's narration, and the reveal that it's his video to Gus is so impactful to me. As much as I love the humor of this show, I absolutely adore those raw and real moments with Shawn. I can't help but tear up in the moments when Gus and Lassie are watching their videos from Shawn every time. And those last few moments are a lot to take in but I always loved the teary eyed look between Gus and Jules as they shake their heads in unison when Shawn says, "I know I come with baggage and a best friend who's not going anywhere ever" 😍 Plus ending it on the chaotic note of the ring getting stolen is just perfect honestly 😆 Random thoughts: I want a navigation system that I can set to tacos 😆 try saying "Pelican pick and pluck pistol pack" five times fast 😂 Love your gold pineapple cup! Hope something fun was inside like a piña colada! You asked in the intro for any hot takes on Psych but I don't have any so you can rest easy haha. In the review you asked if what Shawn was eating was flax seed, and yes it was! Which I've never eaten by the handful like Shawn but I do like to add it to smoothies. Great source of omega 3 fatty acids! 🍍It was a sneaky one! But you got it! Awwww yeeeeaaaaah 😉😎🍍 As for my horror journey, it's been all over the place. I eased in a few years ago with shows that have a horror element like Buffy and Stranger Things. My first horror film was Pet Sematary, the one from 1989, and that shit fucked me up with nightmares 😂 Then my first horror/slasher film was Scream and I adore the whole franchise now. I won't list everything I've seen but it's a mix of classics like Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the Evil Dead 1 & 2, The Shining and newer films like, well everything you guys have reacted to on your channel basically haha. I gravitate towards psychological horror and comedies. Still discovering other sub generes of the horror umbrella though. I don't have a guide on this journey, so any recommendations you have are totally welcome! I've loved experiencing this show again through your eyes and hearing your thoughts. Thanks for welcoming us all in and creating a space to geek out over this amazing show. By far my favorite rewatch 🥰 Jubilant, joyous and jolly John - you are the bees knees!🤘🏼 Much love🖤