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"The Big Bang" -- aka an INCREDIBLY exciting conclusion to series 5!!

Watch Along Link: https://vimeo.com/576436295/0880540aad


Episode Synopsis:

The Pandorica opened, silence fell, and now planet Earth is left alone in the universe... Jumping through time, The Doctor must figure out a way to bring back those who never were and save his friends from the collapse of reality..


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Doctor Who 5x13 Highlights REUP

This is "Doctor Who 5x13 Highlights REUP" by The Reel Rejects on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



One thing I really appreciate is how they actually set up Amy remembering things from her very first episode. When the Doctor asks her how she knows it's a duck pond when there have never been any ducks in it

Arifur R

Series 5 is such a fantastic series for this show.

Kalob Lowrance

By far the best season finale of the series. The way they played with time was a high point. This was the episode that turned my curiosity of this show into love for it. 10/10.


I just looooooooove s5 and your reactions too! :D

Laura Moore

Yay! Now I can finally say, after Rory has become a bad ass and you obviously know he’s going to continue into season two, that Rory is my favorite companion! I wanted to say that when you first met him because I didn’t want to spoil that he becomes an impossible person. Rory is just so patient and down to earth and kind of like Micky just continues to become more of a bad ass in his own right. Even in the first episode of season 5 when he’s basically just a side character and makes the comment “did you just get the aliens to leave just to call them all back again?” Like he’s just the voice of reason between the Doctor and Amy off just to have the fabulous adventure.

Laura Moore

Season 5 is such a masterpiece for me! Also when we start to enter multi-season story archs. Like you still don’t know who or how or why the TARDIS exploded, muhahaha! John made the commit wondering how much of the time jumps and finale story lined was planned and how much they maybe used past moments and reworked them in to use. I will say I’m pretty sure most of it is planned because there’s even more things to come in the future that have important roots in season 5 and season 5 was headed by Steven Moffat. Some love him, some hate him but know one can deny he is a genius weaver of stories! He always has grand plans and epic finales he’s stewing up long term. It’s what makes him so brilliant at writing time travel stories and also as the head writer for BBC Sherlock (which y’all really should watch sometime to complete the SuperWhoLock trifecta.) He writes incredible mysteries that are super twisted and unpredictable, great moral dilemmas, and some of the most iconic Doctor Who monsters starting with the very first DW episode he ever wrote about the weeping angels.

Toasted Toad

Love this episode, so I’m really glad you guys enjoyed it too. My favourite of a season which has quite a few high quality episodes. You pretty much highlighted all the things I would say about this episode in your comments, so I don’t really have anything to add! Oh, maybe one thing. Im really glad that I’m not part of Doctor Who fandom (I mean, I’m a fan, but not in touch with anyone on social media except with reaction videos), because all the eagle eyed fans noticed the change in costume in that little scene from the Weeping Angels episode and speculated endlessly. I didn’t spot it, so had the same reaction as you guys. Xmas special next.


aside from amy's desire to snog the doctor at the end, fantastic episode! Great writing and pacing through the whole thing.

Jacob Solomon

Yeah, I have to echo many of the comments as Season 5 is a fantastic season as a whole and has the best bookends as its first episode was fantastic at introducing Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor and the finale cements the Tardis team as Amy, Rory, and the Doctor. Add to that the amazing episodes sprinkled throughout such as Amy's Choice and Vincent and the Doctor. We also have the season-long story of the crack and why it happened and how it came to be. As the Doctor mentioned, we know how the crack came to be, but not why the Tardis came to explode.