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Shifting back to one-by-ones so we can savor the remaining episodes of one of our very FAVORITE shows! Season 8 Begins NOW!!

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/3ratJEb9fJM

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/5e_UnhvyRb4

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Brooklyn Nine Nine 8x1 | Season 8 Premiere - REACTION HIGHLIGHTS


Eric Gonzalez

Going to be honest, season 8 is easily the weakest of the series, in my opinion. It’s not god awful or anything, but I think it’s for the best that they decided to end things here.

Heather Geer

I do appreciate that given the climate of the world at the time of the last season, they kinda had to be more serious with some things and handled it in a way that still kept true to the show. Cant believe it’s season 8 time!