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Today, Andrew & Roxy are checking out one of my ALL-TIME favorite movies!! Any Blast from the Past fans among the Super Sexy Rejects??

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/MOEvqw2ezTs

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/yveysR2ffI0

More Movie Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Movie+Reaction


Blast from the Past - WATCH ALONG


Ryan Towell

one of my favorites. I watch this probably once a year. I highly recommend Return to Me as mentioned above. It's one of those movies that will take you through an emotional ride and will just make your heart feel good by the end.


Personally, I loved this movie since I saw it while working in FYE back in the day...yes I know I'm aging myself! Keep the recommendations coming, I'm keeping a list for the crew! - PLD ****Of course no guarantees of what they will actually watch...but I am keeping it hahaha****


Any recommendations? I'll stick with the Brendan Fraser theme currently: - Bedazzled - Inkheart - George of the Jungle - The Mummy - The Mummy Returns - Journey to the Center of the Earth - Dudley Do-Right - Furry Vengeance - Looney Tunes: Back in Action - Airheads I'll stop there but I can go on lol🤣🤣