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Hey everyone, so Shrunken Sunday is done rendering, but it still needs to be edited. I'm considering a few options. This poll will only last a few hours since it's so close to the end of the month! That week of being in the hospital really cut into my editing time.

I could release a version on Shrunken Sunday with just some background audio, then try to do a cleaner cut next month with better editing, and this is what I'm leaning towards, so that those of you who were expecting it to be released this month will get what they were expecting.

The other option is to wait a few days, do a full edit on Shrunken Sunday (and therefore a better product) and those of you whose patronage ends this month can message me here or on DeviantArt, where I will provide a link to watch the video in a few days.

This project was really ambitious, and I really let the time get away from me trying to finish the last scenes, but I think it'll be worth it. What do you think?



Perfection takes time 🔥🔥


Any update ???