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Tall, pretty, and powerful - corporate executive Michelle Prince has it all. That is, until she arrives in her office one morning to find it empty, except for her new employee. As both women discuss the sudden disappearance of the entire staff, Michelle's employees fight for their lives throughout the office. Shrunken to miniscule sizes, will the tiny executives survive under the towering, stiletto-clad feet of their beautiful boss and her assistant?


This was a pretty fast turn around! I started conceptualizing this story while I was rendering 'Getting All Over Jane', but didn't start building or rendering until the day after it was posted. That means this story was built, rendered, and edited in less than two weeks, start to finish. With 170 images for the extended version, that's pretty impressive, if I do say so my self!

Quick note for vore fans: This is a foot and shoe focused story, with lots of near-mouth focused content. With the last two months being centered around 'Serial Experiments' and the third story of the trilogy focused on stomach internals next month, I thought it was appropriate to spread the love. With that in mind, the mouth and stomach internals for this story are kind of abbreviated, but there are still tons of in-food sections.

Anyway, the extended version (170 images) of this story is available for top tier ($25) Patrons right now! The full version will be available later this month at the $5 tier, (with closer to 100 images) and an abridged version will be made available for free on DeviantArt next month, with closer to 50.

While you wait for the other versions to come out, check out the preview images I've uploaded here!



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