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Join Alisa, Rob, and Tara as they are unwitting fed to, inhaled by, otherwise consumed by their clueless friend Amy, and embark on a journey to explore her internal beauty. As they continue to shrink smaller and smaller throughout their adventure, will they escape Amy's belly, or become one with her forever?


Biggest Single Release yet! This is the full version, with over 150 images. Consider checking out the extended version, which has over 200 images!

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15-Wg3WfLKcTkljonVYfR2NElGSiF4qdE/view?usp=sharing 

Download Raw Image Files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-4jFHOuw3H6vxQDy-sGIMysfW0WOA08J/view?usp=sharing 




Can't get either of the links to work on ipad.


Can you tell me what happens? These files are archived (compressed) so you'll have to download an app that can unarchive them. I did a quick Google search and this one seems to be popular, but you might want to do a little research to see if it's safe. https://apps.apple.com/in/app/izip-zip-unzip-unrar-tool/id413971331


Well when I click on one it says "Can't preview file" then suggests it may be poor internet or just general connectivity problems? I don't have this problem elsewhere and I've tried multiple internet sources. When I go to download it, it seems to be stuck forever loading and idk how to fix that.


Yes, that always happens, the file is too large for Google to do a security check, it's a warning. Unfortunately I haven't had anyone have this problem before, but here's a GIF of me going through the couple of clicks for a successful download. https://s9.gifyu.com/images/Download895b3dd0ff7b3726.gif