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It's almost like a curse! This week, my big project was to start making more secure backups of all of my work, and begin the process of having two render machines, for double or more work. Part of that meant transferring everything over to a cloud-based back up system. With almost 500 Gb of assets, scene files, and other data, it takes a while!

And then...I can only assume, the worst happened. Last night, while files were transferring, we had a power outage. I didn't think much of it at the time, but when I finished my full time job and began to work today, all of the storage file was corrupted. The whole drive, with all scene files, all assets, current commission work...completely gone.

So...with that said, all of my work over the last several weeks is gone. I may be able to recover them with a data recovery company, and I'll be looking into that soon, but that will take a few days to even research and find out *if* the files are recoverable. I don't think I'm going to have much to offer you all this month </3

My most recently posted image sets are obviously safe, since I upload them to my google drive, but Small Business, Escaping the Captain's Belly & Boots, and current commission work may be done for.  For 'Escaping', I hadn't gotten very far, and I may be able to rebuild those scenes (after downloading all of my assets again), but they won't be ready for a few weeks at least. It's almost funny that this happened in the process of me trying to *prevent* this from happening, huh? Yeah, I'm pretty depressed about it. Maybe all the data will be recoverable, and if so, maybe it won't be too expensive? Keep your fingers crossed for me.

That said, Im going to take a day or two to figure out what the next move is. If you have a current commission with me, I'll reach out to you soon when I can tell you what options there will be. I'm really sorry for those of you who have gone for quite a while without much new content. Take a lesson from me and back up your import data BEFORE your storage media starts getting full!

Wish me luck trying to get this all sorted out. I'll see if I can build something from scratch to get posted in the next week or so. 




I feel your frustration. Hope you're doing okay I don't know where you live, but it's super hot in my area. Take care of your health, buddy


o shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


dang, that sucks so bad. i hope you can recover those files. but don't rush or overwork to recreate just to hit a deadline.