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"Get them out of my sight, somewhere as dark as their twisted hearts have become..." Captain Jezebel commanded her sorceress, the only remaining of her crew that was still truly loyal, after the crew's failed mutiny. The sorceress smirked gleefully, and the crew disappeared from Captain's Jezebel's sight. She sighed and took a sip of her wine. She would need an entirely new crew, it was unlikely she could trust any of those that survived this treacherous attack on her ship. She didn't wish them dead, they may be redeemed and forgiven, but not until her wrath had fallen upon them.

However, little did the Captain know that her crew was not hidden in some dark dimension, or plummeting down to Davy Jones' locker. No, instead, the crew found themselves in a different kind of hell...some trapped within the dark confines of Jezebel's tall, thick boots, others navigating the depth's of their clueless captain's petite, but powerful stomach.

Will the crew survive the raging seas of Captain Jezebel's hungry belly? Will they escape her swaying boots and fidgeting feet? Will Jezebel ever learn what happened to shrunken crew as she unwittingly ends the rebellion underfoot? Find out in our next top tier story - Escaping The Captain's Belly & Boots!


After the success of the last top tier story (the title image is my most viewed image on deviant art by a long shot!) I realized that Top Tier ($25 + Patrons) are getting very little content for how much they support my work, and it's time to change that! I will begin doing more regular stories for only $25 patrons. The story above will arrive in some form in June, but it may only be part 1. There will be a few images shared for free before the story is released!

I am still working on Small Business! As I mentioned Rebuilding the characters and scenes from scratch and figuring out how to approach it is difficult, but progress is happening. I probably won't have it out in June, but it feels good to prepare to finish this story soon!





When will it be released ?