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So tonight, as I was working on Small Business renders for Tuesday, Daz throws an error while saving, crashes, and corrupts the scene. So that's about 4 hours of work that is absolutely gone. This has happened in the past, but it's been happening pretty regular lately, and this was the most egregious of offenses. 

It brought up a more serious thought. You, my patrons, deserve my honesty, so here it is. I'm pretty jaded about Small Business. Part Two (where they get to Anna and Taylor's apartment) helped a lot, but it's already wearing thin, and I've been fighting with whether to end it prematurely and move on, or try to revitalize it. Now, with this serious mental setback (seriously, I almost threw my keyboard at the computer...) I am less motivated to continue.

So...I'm going to post a poll for $5 Patrons and up. Small Business was supposed to be about 100 renders, and it's looking closer to 300 at this point, and I super don't want to burn out. I have some ideas on what to do...so check out the poll I'm about to post to get your vote in!



"... and then they died. The END" Seriously, don't burn out just because you feel obligated. That the best to get discouraged AND to tell a crappy story. Do whatever you need to keep the flames going !