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Hey folks. 

It's a long story, and one I can't go into details about, but I apologise for my absence and the absence of art over the last couple of months. 

I plan to catch up on all missed art which means I will be doing three patreon exclusive pics as well as the next instalment of the comics, which have been a long time coming. 

There is also going to be a change to the way I do the Air Head polls as i was finding that i didn't really have time to plan and execute them before. So i will now hold a vote for a pic to be created in the following month. So you can submit an idea then downgrade and still get access to the patreon exclusive pics after you've submitted your idea and voted in the poll. If you have any queries about this be sure to ask me here or on the discord. 

Hope you're all doing well in these troubled times and look for more stuff in the coming weeks and months ^^




Welcome back! I hope you're doing well.