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I spoke with some friends about it before from time to time, but as time goes on and it's in more development, I'd figure I'd share this here especially since it's going to be something I'd love to share with you all. 

I'm going to be starting up a little comic project. If you follow me on Twitter, which I'm sure you all are, then you may have seen a moogirl OC I'd draw from time to time named Petal. My comic is going to have her as the main character. It will be a short and cute comic and will be centered around a special festival held in her village, and you may see a familiar fluffbean in the story along with her!

I'll be sharing the behind the scenes stuff here, and some will be entirely exclusive to my Patreon. Some will be shared outside of here to assist in promoting my Patreon but all of you will be getting more view to what happens as I go along! 

At the moment, I'm currently working on a script and storyboard for how the story will go but I will do my best to share EVERYTHING here. So far, I'll be sharing SOME of the world building- 

-Dialect and culture of the world will be a unique and bizarre style (It will actually be based on my family in Alabama since they're "living in the middle of the woods" type of country, and then some added to the culture to add more spice)

-Most of the villagers are elderly (Again, this is based on my family back in Alabama. However, none of the characters in the comics will be based on my actual family members)

-There's going to be lots of trees. I mean LOTS

I'll be creating some characters and concepts for the comic as well, so I'll be uploading screenshots and full images that only you Patrons will get to see. So I hope this all goes well and that I'm positive this will turn out to be a success. 

Thank you all for your time and can't wait to show everything as it goes on!


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