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Congratz to the winner!!! Tbh I didn't expect that Galleon will win in her final round lol ! So congratz to who was cheering her!

[Little announcement]
Sorry guys, my hand just recovered. I can't work for hours like I did so the work's still in progress. It'll be sent as soon as it finished. I'm really sorry.

However, I will pause Patreon next month (December) as usual. So current supporter won't be charged / v \ / And who is newly pledge on December will get November rewards instead. Even the Patreon is paused next month, but I will still continue working on all the rewards that haven't sent yet. (No worry guys, I'm here not going anywhere until all work are done)

Also, the GA event will be held as usual..! There might be no rewards poll for next month. If it does, the poll will be for January rewards set.

Thank you so much for being patience as always. I know nothing follow what I planned at all. I'm sorry. I will try to clear the works on December as much as I can.



1 Net

Please check the message~


I didn't expect that either, but it looks like an exciting lineup! Anyway, I hope your hand continues to do okay. It's challenging to adjust your workflow and habits to account for major changes like that, or just to maintain a healthy balance between the different things that need attention in our life. Your health and comfort is important. You're awesome and your work is awesome, regardless of delays, and you still update us when you can. Take heart in that. I still don't mind waiting as long as you're taking care of yourself and doing your best. I will continue to cheer you on, and hope that the coming days treat you well!

Chace Fisher99

Glad to hear your hand is doing better and I hope it continues to heal, be sure not to over work it. Take all the time you need, we'll all wait patiently so no worries. I hope you are able to get some much deserved rest in the coming month as well!! As always were here if you need anything


Glad to hear you are recovering, hope you heal fully, take your time and work at a stable pace, we can wait, and take a well deserved break this December, you need it mate, get some comfy blankets and a nice warm drink. And as always Thank you for all your amazing work