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Hello everyone, sorry for took so much time than expected again ; - ; I took so much time on all these rewards than I thought due to their outfit and some adjustment details when changing poses. However, I hope you'll like the rewards m V V m

And again as always thank you for being patience with me!
These rewards are only for those who pledge on June 2022 so for who just new or pledged on this month for the first time.. I'm sorry to leave you such a bad welcome ;; - ;;

I can't promise anything right now. Only one thing I can promise is that even it's late but your support won't gone to waste. I'll make sure you get what you deserved! Even I won't have a break on December as I planed but I'll try to complete all the reward by the end of this year. Thank you so much for being the cute and cheerful supporter for me..! I'll do my best.
- This rewards are only for Patrons who pledged on June 2022 only
- Only Tier 2 supporters ($8) will get this reward with high resolution images set and nudity version



Benjamin pace

Is there any way as a new pledger to get old rewards?


I was wondering, how do new patrons access previous rewards? I only recently discovered your work and wanted to see some of the previous galleries, but I don't know how to do it if that's even possible

Chace Fisher99

The rewards look wonderful and are well worth the wait!! Hope you're taking care of yourself and I'll keep cheering for you!!


Belorussiya is finally here! Looking forward to seeing the rewards


The rewards look good and I appreciate you keeping us updated on progress. Also it might be a good idea to make some of recent month rewards available on gumroad for the newer patrons


There is no need to rush the rewards. Burning out in exchange for meeting the quota is not an option.