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Ahhhh it's finally all done guyssss ; o ;
I'm so sorry that I can't make it in time. I was trying so hard, working for 17 hrs yesterday but still can't make it;; lol;; but I hope it come out as good as you may expected/

The poll 'll be posted soon in 2-3 hrs, as I need to select charas for the poll and do the image first; 7 ; , see you in 3 hrs guysss

If you don't get the 'FULL' rewards it mean
- you're not Tier 2 supporter
- you pledge has been declined, due to banking issue or etc
Please check here for more detail
[https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/203913799 ] or contract your bank.


- This reward consists of 93 images of Dorothea(nsfw)
 [21 sequences with 4 alternative outfit]
- Only Tier 2 supporters ($8) will get the high resolution images set and nudity version   
- The full version of this reward's available only for this month patron, and won't be sold on Gumroad.



Chace Fisher99

It’s all good muunaisan, there’s no need to over do it on our account but we do really appreciate all your efforts! Everything looks absolutely amazing this month, see you in a few hours!


Ahh ; v ; Thank you for all the love Chancesan ! This really help put my worries to rest ! ❤️ and it's always no greater joy than knowing you like my works hehe tysm


Thank you for the good works. It will be a happy time for a few days. I'm looking forward to next month.


This is incredible! Couldn't be happier with how it turned out! But yeah, like Chance said, there's no need to push yourself as hard as you did, you need to take care of yourself too! I'd be completely fine if we needed to wait longer


yeaa, I'll spend my day-off for rest then continue the fight next month Aerissan >: 3!!


awww, thank you again Arklossan, hmm tbh I tried to put the weight off my shoulder alil, but thinking about all patrons and you wait for the rewards for 20 days after you alr paid.. that make me what to deliver all rewards asap ; o ; however, I'll try to take care of myself more next time, Arklossan tysmm ❤️❤️ / 7 \,,


Thank you for your marvelous rewards. In particular, I love the picture of Belfast (Reward 48). Her expression and body is so glamorous and erotic!! I'm looking forward more Azur Lane works you make. Take care of yourself.


Awww I'm glad you like you love them, Essan ^^,, thank you so much and you too take care!