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Ahhh there're all donee and on time *sob* TT
TYSM for all supporter, the reward are now sent to all Tier2 patron/ also the ex-reward 'll be send one by one, so it's gonna take some times.
For those who become my patron after this, the reward 'll be send on 21th and after that, as I need to go on a few trip V v V/

Oh right! and see you again on 21th for next month voting poll as always ! TYYY TT/
Have a nice day and don't forget to take a break and rest guysss!  ❤️

If you don't get the reward it mean
- you're not Tier 2 supporter
- you pledge has been declined, due to banking issue or etc
Please check here for more detail
[https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/203913799 ] or contract your bank.


- This reward consists of 64 images of Kiara(nsfw)
 [19 sequences with 3 alternative outfit]
- Only Tier 2 supporters ($8) will get the high resolution images set and nudity version   
- The full version of this reward's available only for this month patron, and won't be sold on Gumroad. 



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