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Finally all this month reward are done guys!! TTT and moreover, they're all sent to you!
After this I'll start sending the old exreward, but I need to check you guys condition one-by-one and send them, so please be patience.

If you don't get the reward it mean
- you're not Tier 2 supporter
- you pledge has been declined, due to banking issue or etc
Please check here for more detail
[https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/203913799 ] or contract your bank.

\ hope you enjoy the rewards  and see you again tomorrow for voting poll 💖 /   


- This reward consists of 57 images of 2B (nsfw)
 [ 17 sequences with 3 alternative outfit]
- Only Tier 2 supporters ($8) will get the high resolution images set and nudity version    






Thank you Muunai for your hard works.. :3 Keep healthy man and stay safe.. XD Will check the reward as meantime..


Thank you for the amazing artwork Muunai <3


I hope I can keep healthy by this stage Raionsan lol * with tears* but thank you so muchhh <3